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SLAM Writing Technique.

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1 SLAM Writing Technique

2 S Re-state your question as a statement.
For Example: What does the word unique mean?

3 S Re-state your question as a statement.
For Example: The word unique describes something that is an original or is not a copy of something else.

4 L Locate evidence from the text to support your statement.
For Example: Walt Disney said it best when he stated, “The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.”

5 a Analyze the evidence using your own words.
For Example: In other words, it is important to like who you are and what you are. You are the only human like you. You will always be you and no one else, so when you decide to get used to you, you will begin to enjoy your unique qualities.

6 m Make a meaningful connection.
For Example: Everyone has qualities; potentials, assets, capabilities, abilities, talents. Learn what yours are and SHINE!

7 slam Let’s put it all together!

8 slam What does the word unique mean? s l a m
The word unique describes something that is an original or is not a copy of something else. Walt Disney said it best when he stated, “The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.” In other words, it is important to like who you are and what you are. You are the only human like you. You will always be you and no one else. So when you decide to get used to you, you will begin to enjoy your unique qualities. Everyone has qualities; potentials, assets, capabilities, abilities, talents. Learn what yours are and SHINE! l a m

9 slam What does the word _____ mean? Efflorescence p.12 Mirage p.19
Immured p.27 Swathing p.14 Furtive p.22 Defiles p.27 Effulgence p.14 Suffusion p.23 Bastion p.29 Enmity p.14 Mortification p.23 Astern p.29 Ill-omened p.15 Diminishingly p.26 Contemptuously p.30 Fulcrum p.16 Minutely p.26 Fluking p.17 Pliant p.26

10 S Re-state your question as a statement.
What does the word _(furtive)_ mean? S Re-state your question as a statement. The word furtive means, according to Oxford Dictionaries, “attempting to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretive.”

11 L Locate evidence from the text to support your statement.
The author uses this word on page 22 of the novel, stating that Roger was a “slight, furtive boy whom no one knew, who kept to himself with an inner intensity of avoidance and secrecy.”

12 a Analyze the evidence using your own words.
Furtive is a word that describes Roger as a secretive boy. From what I have read in the novel so far, I can see that Roger is sneaky, maybe even dark in nature. In another part of the novel he teases a littlun. This would be a good example of how he is furtive; secret in nature and avoiding others.

13 m Make a meaningful connection.
A person that could be described as furtive might exhibit guilty body language, such as lying about your grades to your parents.

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