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Drugs that affect neuronal functioning by altering neuronal transmission in ways other than attaching to synaptic receptors.

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Presentation on theme: "Drugs that affect neuronal functioning by altering neuronal transmission in ways other than attaching to synaptic receptors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drugs that affect neuronal functioning by altering neuronal transmission in ways other than attaching to synaptic receptors.

2 Drug categories Agonist - A drug that facilitates the effects of a particular neurotransmitter on the postsynaptic cell Antagonist - A drug that opposes or inhibits the effects of a particular neurotransmitter on the postsynaptic cell

3 Type of Drug Action Drug affects the amount of neurotransmitter stored in vesicles If it facilitates storage (e.g., by acting as a precursor) -agonist If it inhibits storage (e.g., by inhibiting synthesis of neurotransmitter or by blocking the storage into vesicles) - antagonist Drug affects release of neurotransmitter If it increases release - agonist If it inhibits release -antagonist Drug affects reuptake/breakdown of neurotransmitter If it facilitates reuptake/breakdown - antagonist If it inhibits reuptake/breakdown - agonist

4 Drug effects on Dopaminergic neurons
Effects on the amount of neurotransmitter stored in vesicles L-DOPA facilitates synthesis of DA by acting as a precursor -agonist Deprenyl facilitates synthesis of DA by blocking the enzyme MAO-agonist Reserpine blocks the storage of DA into vesicles - antagonist Effects on the release of neurotransmitters Amphetamine increases release of DA- agonist Effects on the reuptake of neurotransmitters Cocaine and amphetamine blocks DA reuptake- agonist

5 Drug effects on Acetylcholinergic neurons
Effects on the amount of neurotransmitter stored in vesicles Choline facilitates synthesis of ACh by acting as a precursor -agonist Effects on the release of neurotransmitters Botulinum toxin blocks the release of ACh - antagonist Black widow spider venom facilitates the release of ACh - agonist Effects on the breakdown of neurotransmitters Physostigmine blocks ACh breakdown by inhibiting the enzyme Acetylcholinesterase- agonist

6 Drug effects on Serotonergic (5-HT) neurons
Effects on the amount of neurotransmitter stored in vesicles PCPA inhibits synthesis of 5-HT - antagonist Effects on the release of neurotransmitters Fenfluramine facilitates the release of 5-HT - agonist Effects on the reuptake of neurotransmitters Fluoxetine (Prozac) blocks reuptake of 5-HT- agonist

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