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D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 EtMiss Software updates Jet/EtMiss Meeting D. Cavalli, S. Resconi.

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Presentation on theme: "D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 EtMiss Software updates Jet/EtMiss Meeting D. Cavalli, S. Resconi."— Presentation transcript:

1 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 EtMiss Software updates Jet/EtMiss Meeting D. Cavalli, S. Resconi

2 2 Dec 2008 2  In first processing of single beam data (Sept 08) highest level of descoping:  Only METAlg with a minimal set of MET Tools to calculate: MET_Base = EtMiss from all CaloCells (Ecell  2  noise)  etx(), ety(), sumet(),  exCalo(CaloReg), eyCalo(CaloReg), etSumCalo(CaloReg),ncellCalo(CaloReg) CaloReg = PEMB, EMB, PEMEC, EME, TILE, HEC, FCAL  exReg(EtaReg), etReg(EtaReg), etSumReg(EtaReg) EtaReg = Central (|  |  1.5), EndCap (1.5  |  |  3.2), Forward (3.2  |  |  5)  Since rel added quantity for basic performance/noise studies with first data: MET_Base0 = EtMiss from all CaloCells WITHOUT any noise cuts  Available in “data08_cosmag*recon*f75*”  In next reprocessing (rel 14.5.0) no need to descope MET:  All combined reco algo will run, all needed input objects to MET will be available  Only one problem with input muon containers not available, should be fixed by muon experts MissingET processing on real data

3 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 3  Implement in MET package more basic objects to study performances, and for monitoring / cleaning with first data (from the experience with cosmics) and for monitoring / cleaning with first data (from the experience with cosmics)   MET reconstruction from Calo / TopoTowers:  simple implementation: add a new tool that loops on Towers and calculate MET  MET in calo samplings and eta/phi slices:  Could be implemented directly in MET  P. Loch proposal: implement a cell map in a package related to event quantities, this could be a common tool for MET, for monitoring, etc (Adam volunteered to work on that…)  Already available: SUMET_BSE_EM = SumET in EM calos / SumET_Base MissingET in view of first data cosmics Ztautau J4 SUMET_BASE_EM: good candidate for cleaning cuts should be tested in cosmics studies can be calculated on AOD/ESD/DPD

4 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 4  Implement in MET package the possibility to mask “Bad Channels” in the calculation of EtMiss calculation of EtMiss  Problematic channels should be treated as much as possible at calorimeter level to guarantee a consistent treatment in all combined reconstruction algorithms  MET will use the official treatment / tools provided by calorimeters experts  Different tools are available : LArBadChannelTool, TileBadChannelTool, CaloBadChannelTool (combined info for LAr + Tile)  In contact with LAr+Tile experts to understand which tools to use and how to proceed   Work in progress in the context of the Jet/EtMiss Data Preparation Task Force MissingET in view of first data

5 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 5  Some improvements related to input muon containers: Since rel 14.4.0 MET uses muon containers available both in ESD and AOD: “StacoMuonCollection”, “CaloMuonCollection”   For what concern TopoCluster input containers: No more need to re-reconstruct TopoClusters on the fly to get “CaloTopoCluster” container used to calculate MET from uncalibrated TC Possibility to switch to the uncalibrated signal state of the TopoClusters  to be implemented in MET MissingET re-reconstruction on ESDs MissingET re-reconstruction on AODs  On AOD: NOT possible to re-calculate EtMiss at Cell level. Overlap removal among reco objects cannot be done at CaloCell level: Ambiguity resolution could be based on Topoclusters BUT: electrons/photons and muons are NOT built on TopoClusters in AOD we have all CaloCells for electons/photons/muons The idea is to measure common cell content between different kind of clusters: Calculate the likelihood that a cell is within a TopoCluster envelop around its barycenter  fraction of Ncells/energy from ele in Topocluster Code is existing but still under test/optimization Could be a common tool for overlap removal at AOD level (discussion at the last PAT)

6 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 6 Towards the best Refined Calibration:  METRefEleTool: test of CalibHits based electron calib (No out-of-cone corr) in progress now  METRefJetTool: apply scale factor (apart out-of-cone corr)  need to have separate corrections due to different effects / use correction factor from track jets to recover energy losses  METRefMuonTool: plan to move to use TrackInCaloTools instead of TrackToCalo Muon term:  bug fix affecting calculation of muon term for isolated muos in tag MissingET-03-01-25  check/improve cleaning cuts  it would be usefull to have a common tool provided by muon experts (started discussion with Ketevi) Merging with ObjMissingET:  Include calibration of cells outside reconstructed objects provided by ObjMET: still to finalize the integration in MissingET package (Xin Chen) ….also move MissingETSignificance to use MET objects (Xin Chen) METPerformance package (proposal by Adam Y.): official package to provide tools for measuring the MET algorithm performance  see talk by Adam Y. tomorrow at the Jet/EtMiss Data Preparation task force Other deliverables for rel 15

7 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 7 BACKUP SLIDES

8 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 8 MET_Base0 MET_Base0 and MET_Base distribution on RNDM trigger: data08_cosmag.00092100.physics_RNDM.recon.ESD.o4_f75_T1224790081 MET_Base, MET_Base0 <> = - 0.7, RMS=3.4 <> = - 2.5, RMS=6.8 <> = 0.3, RMS=3.5 <> = 0.4, RMS=6.8 EyMiss distribution not centered on 0: EyMiss_Base0 more evident behaviour  Due to HEC problems ? MET_Base0 can be useful to study noise and to identify calo problems ExMiss EyMiss EyMiss_HEC <> = - 0.5, RMS=2.4 <> = - 1.8, RMS= 4 No masking of bad cells applied will be provided at Calo level ?

9 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 9 EM fraction of SumET = SumET in EM calos / SumET_Base SUMET_BASE_EM =(SumET_EMB+ SumET_PEMB+SumET_EMEC+ SumET_PEMEC) / SumET_Base  those info are already available in ESD / AOD / CBNT EM fraction of SUMET_Base cosmics: data08_cosmag.00092099.physics_L1Calo Ztautau sample: trig1_misal1_csc11.005188.A3_Ztautau_filter J4 sample: trig1_misal1_csc11.005013.J4_pythia_jetjet SUMET_BASE_EM is a good candidate for Cleaning cuts Can be tested in cosmics studies.

10 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 10 re-calculate / re-calibrate changing calibration and/or particle-Identification  On AOD: NOT possible to re-calculate EtMiss at Cell level. Overlap removal among reco objects cannot be done at CaloCell level. How to implement ambiguity resolution at AOD level ?  see talk by Peter L. at Tucson ATLAS Hadronic Calibration Workshop, March 08: Ambiguity resolution could be based on Topoclusters BUT:   electrons/photons and muons are NOT built on TopoClusters   no direct association between muons and TopoClusters The idea is to measure common cell content between different kind of clusters:   in AOD we have all CaloCells for electons/photons/muons   AOD TopoCluster have no cells, so a criteria has to be applied:  Calculate the likelihood that a cell is within a TopoCluster envelop around its barycenter Code is existing but still under test/optimization:   re-used the same MET Tools written for ESD   same map as ESD Cell map can be used for clusters MissingET reconstruction on AODs

11 D. Cavalli, S. Resconi 2 Dec 2008 11 Merging with ObjMissingET (in progress):  Calibration of cells outside reconstructed objects:   Cells in TopoClusters outside reconstructed objects are taken into account in the EtMiss calculation (MET_CellOut)   special calibration for low pT depositions provided by ObjMET:  in MissingETTools package: MiniJetTool and PionWeightTool   integration in MissingET package, in METRefinedClusterOut :  build the MiniJet Collection using MiniJetTool  call get_weight(*Cell, *TopoClus) method provided by PionWeightTool:   if the TopoClus belongs to a MiniJet returns a Cell weight that depends to the   /     classification of the MiniJet   if the TopoClus does not belong to a MiniJet returns a Cell weight that depends on the CaloRegion of the TopoClus (Barrel, Endcap, FCal)  output object key= MET_CellOutMiniJet   still to finalize testing before putting in CVS  in contact with Xin Chen Merging with ObjMET

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