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Norwegian School of Entrepreneurship Master of Science Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship ENT 4000 Group work session 2 – 02/09-08.

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Presentation on theme: "Norwegian School of Entrepreneurship Master of Science Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship ENT 4000 Group work session 2 – 02/09-08."— Presentation transcript:

1 Norwegian School of Entrepreneurship Master of Science Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship ENT 4000 Group work session 2 – 02/09-08

2 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 2 Homework Find a solution to the ”FRUST”... Presentation 09.09.08

3 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 2 Frust Note: Focus first on the problem and the different aspects of it – then the solution! ProblemSolution

4 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 2 ”Frust” versus business idea Frust: → Product / technology that seeks a market → Market that seeks a product / technology Business idea: → A concept which can be used for commercial purposes

5 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 2 Business idea One way to decribe the business idea: Background – current situation and problem Challenges – challenges and conflicts for solving the problem Resolution – decribe the resolution to the problem

6 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 2 Marked research Market trends → Faith Popcorn (trends that determine consumer behavior) Are there any competitors in this particular field? → Get an overview → No competitors? Why not? Find availiable data and statistics → Google → SSB, EU, → Business reports, trade organizations, business magazines

7 ENT 4000 - Group Work Session 2 Frust For next gathering prepare a PPT presentation of the solution to the ”frust” that you have found. - Send the presentation to: - Before 09/09-08 (Monday before midnight) - Presentation should be maximum 5-7 minutes

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