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1.Who claimed the “Earth” was at the center of the solar system? Ptolemy 2.Through his famous telescope, who is largely responsible for finding evidence.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Who claimed the “Earth” was at the center of the solar system? Ptolemy 2.Through his famous telescope, who is largely responsible for finding evidence."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Who claimed the “Earth” was at the center of the solar system? Ptolemy 2.Through his famous telescope, who is largely responsible for finding evidence to support the “Big Bang” Theory? Edwin Hubble

2 3.What element is the fuel supplying the Sun’s energy? Hydrogen 4. The layer of sun where most of the nuclear fusion occurs is known as the Solar core

3 5.The dying stages of a star that occurs when almost all of the fuel has been consumed is known as… Red Giant 6.The layer of the sun that produces the light which reaches the Earth is known as the… Photosphere

4 7. Two examples of evidence that the “Big Bang” actually occurred are… Red Shift; CMBR 8.Two possible results of a supernova, or a hypernova are… a Black Hole and a Neutron Star

5 9.Who proposed the three laws of planetary motion? (p 2 = d 3 ) Kepler 10. How did Newton contribute to Kepler’s findings that planets did not follow a circular path around the sun? Gravity and inertia help form elliptical paths

6 11. One AU is 149,500,000 kM. It is the distance between the Earth and the Sun. How many AUs is Mars, if it is 207,000,000 kM from the Sun? If 1:149,500,000 then ?:207,000,000 1 = X 149,500,000 207,000,000 149,500,000X = 207,000,000 X = 1.38 AUs 149,500,000

7 12. As a star ages, which element will increase? Which element will decrease? Helium; Hydrogen 13.Who determined that the speed of receding galaxies was directly proportional to their distance? Hubble

8 14.Place (planet; star; solar system; universe) in an organizational order from smallest to largest: planet; star; solar system; universe 15.Why are galaxies that are farther away from us, red in appearance? Because the farther away they are, the longer the wavelength of visible light is stretched…and the longest wavelength of visible light is red.

9 16.Which of the following portions of the EM spectrum are BELOW the visible light section? gamma; ultra violet; radio waves; microwaves; x rays radio waves; microwaves 17. The sun’s energy is necessary for most life on Earth. How do animals rely on the sun’s energy? Animals consume organisms that use the sun for food

10 18. In the geocentric version of our solar system, what body is in the center? The Earth 19. What is the sun-centered solar system known as? Heliocentric

11 20. Copernicus was the first to prove that ______ was at the center of the solar system. The sun 21. The discovery of sunspots was credited to Galileo

12 22. As a star cools over its lifetime, what happens to the wavelengths of energy being emitted from its surface? They become longer 23. By what process does the Sun produce helium? Nuclear Fusion

13 24. Kepler’s 3rd law of planetary motion shows that the period (time it takes a body to revolve around the sun) is proportional to its distance to the sun. The relationship is p 2 = a 3 If a planet has a period of 4 years, what is it’s distance to the sun in AUs? p 2 = a 3 4 2 = a 3 16 = a 3 2.52 AUs = a

14 25. If a planet is 4.63 AUs from the sun, what is its period? p 2 = a 3 p 2 = 4.63 3 p 2 = 99.25 p = 9.96 years 26. What did Copernicus add to our understanding of the solar system? First to conclude Earth was a planet Proved Aristarchus’ heliocentric solar system 27. How was this different from what Ptolemy thought? Ptolemy thought Earth was at center

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