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Group-based Source Authentication in VANETs You Lu, Biao Zhou, Fei Jia, Mario Gerla UCLA {youlu, zhb, feijia,

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Presentation on theme: "Group-based Source Authentication in VANETs You Lu, Biao Zhou, Fei Jia, Mario Gerla UCLA {youlu, zhb, feijia,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group-based Source Authentication in VANETs You Lu, Biao Zhou, Fei Jia, Mario Gerla UCLA {youlu, zhb, feijia, gerla}

2 VANET slide VANET Scenario

3 The problem: authentication VANET broadcast messages: – Beacons for safe driving, surveillance, situation etc Problem: malicious sources can generate bogus messages – Attack models Critical issue we address here: – Sender authentication (within group) – Not addressed here: Non repudiation Privacy protection, Secret delivery to selected group (e.g. police agents, taxi cabs, coalition members), etc

4 Existing Authent. solutions PKI – a bit too expensive TESLA – cheaper, but..slow (Toyota et al)

5 TESLA: One Way Hash Chain In TESLA a source generate a one way chain of length L by randomly picking the last element S L of the chain S and by repeatedly applying the Hash function F( ) to get the next values one after the other. After creating the one way chain, the source stamps each packet with the chain values in reverse order. The receiver can verify S i+1 only after it receives S i from the source. At this time, the receiver also verifies the source authenticity

6 TESLA overview (cont) TESLA (Time efficient stream loss tolerant authentication) – Assumption: 2- time slot delay in authentication Packet P1 received in slot 5; K5 received in slot 7 – Authentication of P1: Verify K5 from K4 pr K3 (explain how) MAC(K5, P1) = Verify MAC – Pros: Robust to packet loss; Data all in plain text. – Con: delayed authentication.

7 Exploit Group Motion to reduce latency Group Scenario – Nodes move in groups – Each group is a closed broadcast group: Military peace keeping patrols; police agents in a mission; presidential motorcade. – Group nodes acquire SECRET initial group attribute, and initial mobility counter before joining Our Goal: reduce the key disclosure delay in group broadcast

8 Group-based Source Authentication (GSA) Basic Idea:

9 Protocol Design – How to define a group? Group Identifier, such as group name, group ID… Dynamic Attributes, such location intersection, group speed etc Must be better explained Initial Group property is shared by the same group. – How to ensure disclosure key cannot be captured and replayed by attacker? Encrypt the disclosure key with secret group ID. External nodes cannot get K7, secret group ID never transmitted in plain text. Proactively updated dynamic attributed for extra security Encrypt (K7, secret group ID) Group-based Source Authentication (GSA)

10 Group Authentication Phase – The sender broadcasts nonce with own GID and requests receivers in the group to authenticate themselves – Each Receiver R uses individual TESLA reverse hash chain. Receiver Packet: Time interval 3 – After key disclosure delay period, each receiver sends K3 – Sender checks if R is in the same group as itself. Same Group member – Now all group members are authenticated and “in synch” – Periodically authenticate group membership after timeout Step 1: Group Authentication

11 Data Transfer Phase – Inter-group Use conventional TESLA-like scheme (large latency) – Intra-group Instant KEY disclosure Packet sent at time i: Group members: – decrypt K_i using group_property key – verify Packet_i immediately using decrypted K_i. Step 2: Group-based Source Authentication (GSA)

12 Evaluation

13 Experiments Average End-to-End Latency: Testbed: 7 Laptops with Intel M740 processor, 1.73 Ghz Number of active GSA Sessions: from 5 to 500

14 Experiments (cont) CPU and Memory Usage:

15 Experiments (cont) MAC Average Computing Time:

16 Experiments (cont) Performance Comparison of GSA and TESLA for single session: GSA guarantees efficient, safe delivery of vehicular alarms within a group MAC Compute TimeEnd-to-End DelayVerification Time TESLA11ms186ms2.3s GSA10ms195ms0.44ms

17 Conclusions GSA is applicable in the following scenarios: – Nodes move in group – Group nodes know initial group secret and initial mobility attributes – Incremental addition of attributes supported Experiment results: – In TESLA, large latency due to key disclosure delay – GSA reduces key disclosure delay to significant groups (e.g., vehicles in the same convoy) Future work: – Dynamic Group ID certificates to short lived urban vehicle platoons – Safety improvement resulting from of reduced latency – Secret content to selected groups (e.g., police) – Privacy preservation

18 Thanks Q & A

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