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Stars By: Mary Aragon Theory of Relativity. What are stars?  Enormous balls of gas  Made mostly of hydrogen and helium  Constant nuclear process (fusion)

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Presentation on theme: "Stars By: Mary Aragon Theory of Relativity. What are stars?  Enormous balls of gas  Made mostly of hydrogen and helium  Constant nuclear process (fusion)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stars By: Mary Aragon Theory of Relativity

2 What are stars?  Enormous balls of gas  Made mostly of hydrogen and helium  Constant nuclear process (fusion)

3 How do they die?  Nuclear fuel runs out  Star expands and core contracts  Various things can happen depending on the stars initial mass

4 Sun-like Stars Up to 1.5 times that of the sun  Expands as it grow old, core runs out of H and He atoms  Core contracts, layers expand, cool, and become less bright (Red Giant)  Continue to expand, He fuses forming C and releases energy, then stabilizes due to Carbons inability to further compress  Outer layers drift off (Planetary Nebula), loses most of its mass  Cools and shrinks, becomes stable with no nuclear fuel, radiates leftover heat (White Dwarf)  Dead star, cool and dark (Black Dwarf)

5 Huge Stars 1.5 to 3 times that of the sun  Core fuses all H into He and shrinks, hotter and denser (Red Supergiant)  Produces heavier elements (i.e. Iron)  Core collapses Fe atoms crushed, core temp. around 100 billion degrees  Repulsive electrical forces between atoms nuclei outweigh gravity, causes massive explosion, blows away stars outer layers (Supernova)  Collapse into a small dense Star with an extremely strong gravitational field and rapid spin (Neutron Star)

6 Massive Stars More than 3 times that of the sun  Red Supergiant  Supernova  Contracts immensely and becomes incredibly dense with a gravitational field so strong that not even light can escape (Black Hole)

7 THE END Questions?

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