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Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference New Orleans, LA September, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference New Orleans, LA September, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Data, Improving Outcomes Conference New Orleans, LA September, 2014

2 Participants will:  Identify strategies for increasing the number of children with disabilities served in typical non-segregated classrooms  Discuss how to apply lessons learned in your own school district  Discuss how inclusion practices are a mechanism for improving child and family outcomes

3  Louisiana’s Perspective  The Lafayette Story  View Preschool Inclusion Video  First Steps (Year One)  Inclusion Realities  Year Two  Teacher and Parent Perspectives  Year Three and Next Steps  Trend Data  Q & A and Discussion

4  State work  Vision for Project  SpecialQuest and District Invite

5  Meeting with LDE  Initial Community Team Meeting  Action Plans


7  Reorganization of Lafayette Parish School System Early Childhood Department  LPSS Turnaround Plan  EC Coalition  Outreach to Childcare Centers  Preschool Inclusion Booklet

8  Data on number of children served in LA4, Childcare and Head Start  Teacher realities/Changing service delivery  What’s working and challenges

9  Celebrating Possibilities  Increased number of Childcare Centers  Action Plan Updates  Increased supports for staff and families on site  Presented at National Inclusion Institute

10  Changing teacher perspective  Parent Panel

11  Formed School-Based Inclusion Teams  Cross Agency Inclusion Training  Presentation at SECA  Pilot Year One and Expansion  Update Community Network  Implement Action Plan  Support School-Based Teams  Expansion of services in Childcare Centers

12 Number and percent of Children ages 3-5 by Setting: Settings for Children ages 3-5 over the years School Year Total Number of Children with IEPs Early Childhood ProgramsSeparate Setting Home/Service Provider Location 2004-0543015736.5%347.9%23955.9% 2005-0629611338.0%258.5%15753.2% 2006-0740038095.0%143.5%61.5% 2007-0834226978.7%319.1%4212.3% 2008-0930722071.7%258.1%6220.2% 2009-1032323272.8%298.9%6219.2% 2010-1132721465.4%5817.7%5617.1% 2011-1238628473.6%5313.7%4912.7% 2012-1334728782.7%339.5%277.8% 2013-1430426787.8%278.8%103.3% School YearEarly Childhood Settings 2004-05 Early Childhood, Reverse Mainstream, Part-time EC/Part-time ECSE 2005-06 2006-07 In Regular EC program at least 80% of the time, 79-40% of time, and less than 40% of the time 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 In Regular EC program at least 10 hours /week or less than 10 hours/week AND majority of services provided in the regular class or in another location. 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14

13 Number of children ages 3-5 in EC setting and where IEP Services are provided: Question to ask: Of the total children in your EC settings, how many 3-5 year-olds are being pulled from the classroom for IEP services and missing interactions and instruction with typical peers? School Year Early Childhood SettingsServices Provided in the Early Childhood Setting Services Provided in Another Location 2010-1121465.4%2612.1%18887.9% 2011-1228473.6%4415.4%24084.5% 2012-1328782.7%5318.4%23481.5% 2013-1426787.8%7528.1%19271.9%

14 Students Initially Placed @ 3 in 2009-2010 Placement @ Age 3 (09-10) Placement @ Age 4 (10-11) Placement @ Age 5 (11-12) Placement @ Age 6 (12-13)  Separate Class  In Regular Education less than 40% of the Day 67%39%15%33%  Regular Class Placement with SPED services in some other location  Regular Class 40-79% of the day 33%21%39%18%  Regular Class at least 80% of the day  Regular Class SPED Services in Regular Setting  At home with SPED Services at home 24%39%42% Students Initially Placed @ 3 in 2010-2011 Placement @ Age 3 (10-11) Placement @ Age 4 (11-12) Placement @ Age 5 (12-13) Placement @ Age 6 (13-14)  Separate Class  In Regular Education less than 40% of the Day 53%22%13%34%  Regular Class Placement with SPED services in some other location  Regular Class 40-79% of the day 20%53%56%13%  Regular Class at least 80% of the day  Regular Class SPED Services in Regular Setting  At home with SPED Services at home 27%25%31%34%

15  How might you apply this information in your school district?  What are you doing well in your districts to ensure inclusive settings?

16  Christine Duay   Ginger Walker   Ivy Starns   Cindy Ramagos 

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