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Walt, Andy, Isaiah and Allie. Introduction  Arizona, Texas Oklahoma New Mexico.

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Presentation on theme: "Walt, Andy, Isaiah and Allie. Introduction  Arizona, Texas Oklahoma New Mexico."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walt, Andy, Isaiah and Allie

2 Introduction  Arizona, Texas Oklahoma New Mexico

3 table Arizona6,500,180 New Mexico1,984,356 Texas24,326,974 Oklahoma3,642,361 southwest36,453,871

4 Interesting facts  Arizona has the most telescopes in the world  Smokey the bear a cub orphaned by fire in 1050  The first parking meter was installed in Okalhoma city in 1935.

5  Chili  Hot wings  Pecan pie  Johnny Bench football player  Mickey Mantel baseball player

6 topography  Mississippi river is the second longest river in the U.S.A.  The Dallas cowboys have a domed stadeome

7 Natural resources  Texas is known for it’s cattle.  Arizona the USA prouduces about 2\3 of copper mines in.

8 c limate  The Climate is hot and dry but varies from one area to another.  Cities such as phoenix, Arizona haves 300 days of sunshine a year.  Like it is 90 to 100 F there (HOT HUN).

9 Economy  The corn and wheat we prouduce will give you a hoot.

10 Tourist attractions  Arizona has the Great Canyon. Did you know it used to be the Colarado river! Over thousands of years the water slowly evaporated into the sand!  Texas has two six flags

11 Bibliography DDallas Cowboys. Com GGoogle. Com AAsk. Com NNew Mexico book RRecipe. com

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