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Non-Linguistic Representation Portsmouth Public Schools TEACH Academy June 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Non-Linguistic Representation Portsmouth Public Schools TEACH Academy June 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Non-Linguistic Representation Portsmouth Public Schools TEACH Academy June 2009

2 What is non-linguistic representation? It is an imagery mode of representation The imagery mode is expressed as mental pictures and physical sensations such as: smell taste touch kinesthetic association sound

3 The “dual-coding” theory of information storage agrees that knowledge is stored in two forms: —linguistic (words) and imagery (mental pictures).

4 The more we use both systems of representation the better we are able to think about and recall knowledge This is particularly important in the classroom because linguistically is the primary method of presenting knowledge in the classroom We either talk to students about content or they read about new content This means students are left to generate their own nonlinguistic representations

5 Classroom Practice in Non-linguistic Representations Graphic Organizers are the most common way to help students generate nonlinguistic representations Graphic Organizers combine the linguistic mode in that they use words and phrases and the nonlinguistic mode in that they use symbols and arrows to represent relationships

6 Create graphic organizers Descriptive PatternsPatterns Time-Sequence PatternsPatterns Process/Cause-Effect PatternsPatterns Episode PatternsPatterns Generalization/Principle PatternsPatterns Concept PatternsPatterns Templates open with Word

7 Descriptive Pattern Descriptive Patterns can be used to represent facts about specific people, places, things and events This information does not have to be in any specific order

8 Descriptive Pattern Example

9 Time Sequence Pattern Time sequence patterns organize events in a specific chronological order For example, the events leading up to the Vietnam War can be shown in a time sequence pattern organizer

10 Process/Cause-Effect Pattern Process/Cause-Effect Patterns organize information into a casual network leading to a specific outcome An example would be study habits that make a good student

11 Episode Pattern Episode Pattern Organizers arrange data about specific events including: 1.Setting (time and place) 2.Specific People 3.A specific duration 4.A specific sequence of events 5.A particular cause and effect An Example would be information leading up to the Civil War

12 Episode Pattern An Example would be information leading up to the Civil War

13 Generalization/Principle Patterns Generalization/Principle Patterns organize information into general statements with supporting details. An Example would be statements supporting a hypothesis that economic conditions were the cause of the Civil War.

14 Concept Pattern Concept Patterns organize information around a word or phrase that represents entire classes or categories of people, places things or events The characteristics or attributes of the concept along with examples of each should be included in this example. An example would be a teacher asking a student to show the concept of fables along with examples and characteristics of them.

15 Concept Pattern A Concept Pattern could look like this

16 Using other Nonlinguistic Representations Making physical models Generating mental pictures Drawing pictures and pictographs Engaging in kinesthetic activity

17 Inspiration® Many templates are available within the Inspiration® software. Go to File —> Open template, then choose the subject area and topic. Templates within Inspiration have directions about ways in which you might use the tool in the classroom. WebspirationWebspiration—online version of Inspiration InspirationInspiration—website with standards match

18 PlanetsPlanets --Inspiration Inner and Outer PlanetsInner and Outer Planets--Word

19 Template: 4-Dimensional Vocabulary4-Dimensional Vocabulary (describes what belongs in each section of the template) 4-Dimensional template using the word ban -ban Webster's Dictionary--use for definitionWebster's Dictionary

20 Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

21 Kerpoof Different levels of membership: Free use, $4.39 month, $25 6 months, or $45 annually Can use on the fly without registering Can not save projects unless registered Can Print projects with Free service

22 Free web application BigHugeLabs

23 Credits es/stories/storyReader$13 es/stories/storyReader$13 Classroom Instruction That Works. Marzano, Pickering, Pollock


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