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Ideas on focused and manageable feedback & self-assessment Kevin Dodd Kibblesworth PS.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideas on focused and manageable feedback & self-assessment Kevin Dodd Kibblesworth PS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideas on focused and manageable feedback & self-assessment Kevin Dodd Kibblesworth PS

2 Spelling & punctuation Make these part of long term targets Monitor spelling & punctuation as part of marking (but do not mark) Remind pupils as appropriate of these targets If you are concerned that standards are slipping, include them as success criteria

3 Marking Focus– Time Management Discuss the marking process with pupils Make it clear you will not be marking everything, but you will be checking for problems or certain Success Criteria Skim pupils’ work in exercise books Identify problems/misconceptions in exercise books Put books in different piles according to understanding (eg traffic light: 3 piles) Write your “closing the gap” comments on the board and deal with the problem orally in the lesson or feed back orally to the group who have problems This is especially good for Maths

4 Marking – oral and written Select one group (in turn) for quality marking Give some oral feedback to these pupils in the lesson Follow this up with written feedback after the lesson Insist on pupils making a written response to your marking in the next lesson

5 Self Assessment – KS1 Pupils decide whether their work on mini whiteboards has met success criteria or not Do this in pairs or get teaching assistant to help a group Pupils traffic light their work or use

6 Self Assessment – KS1/2 Pick a concept/problem that pupils may have a problem with (eg division) Put a velcro board on the wall Pupils place their symbol at the place where they think they are in their understanding/success

7 Division Having problems Getting there Understand it Gavin LindaLee

8 Can you foresee any problems with this system?

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