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The Decision Making Process Teen Living 2011. Get to the front of the classroom.  Heads + Heads = one step to the left  Tails + Tails = one step to.

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Presentation on theme: "The Decision Making Process Teen Living 2011. Get to the front of the classroom.  Heads + Heads = one step to the left  Tails + Tails = one step to."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Decision Making Process Teen Living 2011

2 Get to the front of the classroom.  Heads + Heads = one step to the left  Tails + Tails = one step to the right  Heads + Tails = one step forward  Tails + Heads = one step backwards

3 Steps to Making a Decision Step 5: Evaluate results of the decision and accept responsibility for results of the decision. Step 4: Make a decision, plan and act on the decision. Step 3: Explore and evaluate possible solutions. Step 2: Brainstorm possible solutions. Step 1: Identify the problem. EVALUATE IDENTIFY BRAINSTORM ACT EXPLORE

4 Josh is a senior at the local high school and is the starting pitcher on the baseball team. During a recent game Josh was sliding into second base and sprained his MCL. After spending some time in the trainers office Josh is advised to take it easy the next week at practice and if his knee gives him any trouble he will need to sit out the next game that happens to be against the school’s rival. The day before the game Josh falls on his knee and hurts it once more. Because he knows that the trainer will make him sit out in tomorrow’s game Josh decides not to tell the trainer. Against his teammates protest Josh heads for home. What do you think Josh should do?

5 My Decision  Step 1: Identify the Problem  Spell it out as clearly as possible  Step 2: Brainstorm Possible Solutions  Get all the options out on the table  Look for options never before considered  Step 3: Explore & Evaluate Possible Solutions  What is the likely outcome of each proposed solution  Step 4: Make a Decision & Act on the Decision  Plan out the steps and do it  Step 5: Evaluate Results & Accept Responsibility for the Decision  Take the time to reflect and learn from what went well, what didn’t go well and what unexpected results occurred

6 Decision-Making Strategies  Spontaneity: choosing the first option that comes to mind; giving little or no consideration to the consequences of the choice.  Compliance: going along with family, school, work, or peer expectations.  Procrastination: postponing thought and action until options are limited.  Accumulating so much information that analyzing the options becomes overwhelming.  Intention: Choosing an option that will be both intellectually and emotionally satisfying.  Desire: Choosing the option that might achieve the best result, regardless of the risk involved.  Avoidance: Choosing the option that will bring some success, offend the fewest people, and pose the least risk.  Synthesis: Choosing the option that has a good chance to succeed and which you like the best.

7 What influences your decisions?

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