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TODAY’S CLASS: Begin Unit 7: Page 118, learning new vocabulary Practicing describing faces Page 119, learning “with” and the order of describing people.

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Presentation on theme: "TODAY’S CLASS: Begin Unit 7: Page 118, learning new vocabulary Practicing describing faces Page 119, learning “with” and the order of describing people."— Presentation transcript:

1 TODAY’S CLASS: Begin Unit 7: Page 118, learning new vocabulary Practicing describing faces Page 119, learning “with” and the order of describing people Speaking practice: Describing your friends and family, and how to speak naturally Do you have a photo for me??!

2 Name (in 한글 ) Phone Number - If you forgot your photo… - Bring it next class, or I will be ANGRY - Angry teachers don’t give good grades! On the back, write your:


4 Remember, you already practiced talking about appearance last semester. This is page 26, from Unit 2 You have to know and use these words too! Remember “is” vs. “has”


6 Freckles

7 Mustache

8 Goatee

9 Goatee, early-1990s style

10 Pimples/Zits/Acne

11 Robust




15 Mystery Face 1 person chooses a face Other person guesses who by asking yes/no questions. For example: – Is your person wearing glasses? – Is your person ugly? – Does your person have black/short hair? – Does your person have freckles/a mustache/a goatee? – Does your person have pierced ears/a piercing/nose ring? – Is it Anna? Take turns and repeat!

16 “I am tall and thin with a square face, brown eyes, and short, straight, black hair” BODY FACE HAIR

17 BODY FACE HAIR Do learn this order & “with” for your speaking tests & written exam… But they are not important in real life!

18 Finished? Practice this with pictures of people on your phone. But you have to change the words!

19 - Did you forget your photo? AGAIN??! - Bring one by next class, or I take 1% from your grade TODAY’S CLASS: Warm-up/Review: Page 121 Listening Practicing Present Continuous Tense Describing People using clothes/appearance/activity Using same method for your own phone pictures

20 The man is getting out of the car The man is smoking (a pipe) The man is reading a newspaper The boy is running down the steps The girl is eating an ice-cream The man and woman are coming out of the shop The man is looking at his watch The woman is carrying 1 shopping bag The woman is wearing a hat The man is getting on the bus

21 Who’s that woman? Which one?

22 The one wearing a green t-shirt. Er…TWO of them are wearing green!

23 Oh, yeah. I meant the one with long red hair. That’s Sarah. But she has a boyfriend already.

24 #$%^! Okay. How about the one looking at the ceiling? That’s Kim. But she has a boyfriend too.

25 (Sigh) How about the woman wearing a purple t-shirt, with long hair? …

26 The one next to Rebecca. Who’s Rebecca? Rebecca

27 Okay then. Who’s the woman on the far left? That’s Helen. She’s not seeing anyone. Yay! FINALLY!

28 What are they doing? The man talking to Ellen The woman holding the wine glass What do they look like? The one with short blond hair The tall one with a beard What are they wearing? The one wearing a white dress The one with the check shirt Who’s that (man/woman)? Which one? That’s _______!

29 Finished? Practice this with pictures of people on your phone. But you have to change the words!

30 The Lesson Plan…? Today’s Class: A Surprise!

31 ? ? fun Generous - stingy, mean Strict – lenient, flexible


33 Step 1: Write a quick self-introduction. Say at least 3 things. – I’m 21, my major is Media Studies, I want to be a journalist. – I’m 22, I’m from Seoul, I am studying Computer Science. – My name is Ha Ji- won, I’m 20, my major is English…but I hate it!

34 Step 2: Write about your hobbies. Say at least 3 things. – “I like drinking, playing LOL, and listening to K-pop. – I like to hike, go to the gym, and read books. – I like watching science-fiction movies, drawing, and playing the piano.

35 Step 3: Write about your personality in the style of page 122. Use 3 or more personality words, with “but.” – I am active and hardworking, but a little shy – I am neat and quiet but, a little boring. – I am lazy and messy, but always honest

36 ( 스피드 데이트 ) Let’s do Speed Dating!

37 Speed Dating – Why? On many dates, you know in 5-10 minutes if you like them or not If you don’t like them, it is rude to leave early So you both have to waste time finishing the date

38 Speed Dating – Why? After university, it is difficult to meet new people It is not a good idea to date a coworker. Many companies fire you if you date a coworker! Imagine if you could have many first dates in just one night…

39 Speed Dating – How Does it Work? You pay a fee to the dating/event company Equal numbers of men and women Either men talk, then women talk (2-4 minutes each), or you both have 5-8 minutes to talk together

40 Speed Dating – How Does it Work? When we do it, you will have 2 minutes each. When the time is up, the women stay seated and the men move to the next woman If you like a man or woman, you put a check next to their name or number

41 Speed Dating – How Does it Work? At the end of the event, you give your form to the company If Man #7 likes Woman #4, and Woman #4 likes Man #7, then the company gives them their contact details For our activity, I will give prizes to the most popular man and woman!

42 Women: 1. Write your name & number at the top 2. After you talk to a guy, write “yes” or “no” next to his number

43 Men: 1. Write your name & number at the top 2. After you talk to a woman, write “yes” or “no” next to her number

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