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APUSH 1-3 Bailey Chapter 3. To what degree was the establishment of the New England colonies consistent with Calvinist beliefs?

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Presentation on theme: "APUSH 1-3 Bailey Chapter 3. To what degree was the establishment of the New England colonies consistent with Calvinist beliefs?"— Presentation transcript:

1 APUSH 1-3 Bailey Chapter 3

2 To what degree was the establishment of the New England colonies consistent with Calvinist beliefs?

3 Why do we care about documents like the Fundamental Orders or the Mayflower Compact?

4 This is the seal of the Dominion of New England. How should we interpret this image?

5 What???! “If any man have a stubborn or rebellious son, of sufficient understanding and years, viz. sixteen years of age, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that when they have chastened him, he will not harken unto them; then may his father or mother, being his natural parents, lay hold on him, and bring him to the magistrates assembled in court, and testify unto them that their son is stubborn and rebellious, and will not obey their voice and chastisement, but lives in sundry and notorious crimes, such a son will be put to death (Deuteronomy 21.20,..)”

6 Who posed a greater challenge to Puritan ideas, Anne Hutchinson or Roger Williams? VS

7 What impact did the Restoration in England have on the colonies in America? What was the impact of the Glorious Revolution?

8 Should Maryland be considered a Middle Colony?

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