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What are the functions of the major structures found in plants? ESSENTIAL QUESTION.

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Presentation on theme: "What are the functions of the major structures found in plants? ESSENTIAL QUESTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 What are the functions of the major structures found in plants? ESSENTIAL QUESTION

3 UNIT QUESTIONS 1.How do plants grow? 2.Why do plants need sunlight? 3.How are plants important in our everyday life? 4.What is each plant part function?

4 Plant Parts By: Mr. Fredrick Boykins

5 OVERVIEW I.Identify Parts of A Plant II.Job of the Roots III.Importance of the Stem IV.Why do Plants Have Leaves V.Photosynthesis VI.The Flower VII.Plants Importance to Our Habitat VIII.Closing Slide & References

6 Let’s Look at a Plant… Let’s name the parts of this plant: flower leaf stem What important part cannot be seen?

7 Did you say “Roots”?Roots What’s the job of the roots? They hold the plant in place. They take in water from the soil. They take in food from the soil.

8 What does the stem do? The stem’s jobs: The stem stands the plant up. The stem is the elevator that takes the food and water to the rest of the plant.

9 Why do plants have leaves? The leaf’s job: The leaf breathes in air called carbon dioxide and breathes out oxygen. The leaf takes in energy from the sun and turns it into energy for the plant. This is called photosynthesis.photosynthesis.

10 Please click the links below and watch the video about photosynthesis. Gwk&feature=related n7w&feature=related


12 The Flower The flower attracts insects by its color and smell so insects can pollinate the flower. After being pollinated, the flower makes the seeds. What does the flower do?

13 Plants are important to our habitat! Plants give: Beauty in nature Beauty in our gardens Food Fruit Shelter And more…… Take care of a plant today!!

14 LETS SEE WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED Name two (2) things you have learned from this presentation.

15 Resources on Plants:

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