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INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential TransPAC Extension and International R/E Networking Future Direction James Williams TransPAC Executive.

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Presentation on theme: "INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential TransPAC Extension and International R/E Networking Future Direction James Williams TransPAC Executive."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential TransPAC Extension and International R/E Networking Future Direction James Williams TransPAC Executive Investigator Indiana University APAN-PRAGMA Meeting Fukuoka 2003

2 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential Agenda Topics TransPAC background TransPAC extension Research and Education Networking Futures

3 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential The TransPAC Project provides high-performance network connectivity between the Asia-Pacific region and the United States for the purpose of encouraging educational and scientific collaboration among scientists and researchers in these respective areas. Specifically, TransPAC connects the Asia-Pacific Advanced Network (APAN) to the US high-performance infrastructure (Abilene, the vBNS and “Fednets”) and to other international high-performance networks (Canarie, and EU networks). TransPAC Background Web site:

4 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential Indiana University provides technical and administrative support for TransPAC in the US. KDDI provides similar support for TransPAC in Japan. The TransPAC Project is jointly funded by the US National Science Foundation and the Japan Science and Technology Corporation. TransPAC Background 2 Web site:

5 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential Current TransPAC Network Dual OC-12 connections between the US and Asia OC-12 POS connection between Tokyo and Seattle OC-12 ATM connection between Tokyo and Chicago (StarLight)


7 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY TransPAC Extension Requested by the NSF Subject to standard NSF review Maintain production quality reliable service 12 month fixed cost extension from 10/03 to 10/04 Serve the needs to R/E community until Cyberinfrastrucutre Report translated into programs

8 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential TransPAC Extension 2 Continue to deliver production service Consider merging links and upgrading bandwidth Consider additional bandwidth expansion and experimental service offerings Following the release of the Cyberinfrastructure Report, work with the broad international community to assist in the development of the next generation of international R/E science infrastructure


10 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential Unified R/E Network Asia-US-EU Goal Building on the success of TransPAC, Euro-Link and STAR TAP, construct a unified high-performance R/E network between Asia, the US and Europe. Partners might be US-NSF, Internet2, Canarie, DANTE, MPHPT-Japan, APAN and commercial service providers. Building on the Cyberinfrastructure Report…


12 INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Confidential Unified R/E Network Benefits Single network serving Asia, North America and Europe Based on an Asian hub. Specific focus on serving the R/E community Emphasis on both production quality services and experimental services Opportunities to work with WIDE/PNWGP to develop high-performance redundant infrastructure to Asia.


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