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Growth Factors of Jua Kali The Agricultural sector, traditionally the main employer especially in rural areas has experienced slow and/or a decline.

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3 Growth Factors of Jua Kali The Agricultural sector, traditionally the main employer especially in rural areas has experienced slow and/or a decline in growth in some sectors. This created an influx of people to the urban areas, who resorted for employment in the Jua Kali sector; Slow economic growth in various sectors also resulted in the restructuring and downsizing of organisations; The Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) initiated in 1993 to reduce the civil service. Graduates from Schools, Universities could not be absorbed into the formal workstream.


5 Problem factors of Jua Kali Lack of exposure/poor marketing; Lack of capital finance; Lack of training; Lack of premises; Lack of formal education/knowledge of business and legal issues; Lack of machinery/equipment; and Municipality by-laws not conducive to informal business.


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