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Possessive Noun Review 1. Until recently, (archaelogists) discoveries were made without the help of technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Possessive Noun Review 1. Until recently, (archaelogists) discoveries were made without the help of technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possessive Noun Review 1. Until recently, (archaelogists) discoveries were made without the help of technology.

2 Answer: archaelogists’ discoveries Plural: more than 1 archaeologist

3 2. Explorers in the jungle stumbled upon a (temple) remains.

4 Answer: temple’s remains Singular: one temple

5 3. Farmers opened a huge mound in their fields and found an ancient (people) burial site.

6 Answer: people’s burial site Plural not ending in s

7 4. (Today) aerial photos can reveal unusual sites to explore.

8 Answer: Today’s aerial photos Singular: one today

9 5. Vegetation grows lush in (Guatemala) deep soil.

10 Answer: Guatemala’s deep soil Singular: one country

11 6. A bare site may signal something solid lies underneath the (soil) surface.

12 Answer: soil’s surface Singular: one soil

13 7. Satellite photos can show a (ruin) outlines.

14 Answer: ruin’s outlines Singular: one ruin

15 8. A (technician) discovery of the faint outlines of forgotten roads led to the finding of lost cities.

16 Answer: technician’s discovery Singular: one technician

17 9. (Explorers) use of radar has located objects buried in the earth.

18 Answer: Explorers’ use Plural possessive: more than one explorer

19 10. Computers have been used to improve a (document) image.

20 Answer: document’s image Singular: one document

21 11. The (boy) bike is in the backyard.

22 Answer: boy’s bike Singular: one boy

23 12. The (men) cars were in the accident yesterday.

24 Answer: men’s cars Plural not ending in s

25 10. What happened to that (horse) leg?

26 Answer: horse’s leg Singular: one horse

27 10. These (women) hats are sold in this store

28 Answer: women’s hats Plural not ending in s

29 15. The (sailors) parents were very worried by the news.

30 Answer: sailors’ parents Plural: more than one sailor

31 16. The (Allens) house burned to the ground last night.

32 Answer: Allen’s Singular: one Allen family

33 17. We followed the two (deer) tracks in the snow.

34 Answer: deer’s tracks Plural no s

35 10. The (children) party was a great success.

36 Answer: children’s party Plural no s

37 19. The (mice) tracks were everywhere in the dust.

38 Answer: mice’s tracks Plural no s

39 20. That (woman) umbrella is blowing away in the wind.

40 Answer: woman’s umbrella Singular: one woman

41 21. Mud had covered all of the (girls) dresses.

42 Answer: girls’ dresses Plural: more than one girl

43 22. Mr. (Jones) talk was the best yet.

44 Answer: Mr. Jones’ Singular ending in s

45 23. This is (Matthew) homework.

46 Answer: Matthew’s homework Singular: one Matthew

47 23. The (lawyers) fees came to a million dollars.

48 Answer: lawyers’ fees Plural: more than one lawyer

49 25. The (girl) money was lost in the hall.

50 Answer: girl’s money Singular: one girl

51 27. (Andrea) shoes were left outside in the rain.

52 Answer: Andrea’s shoes Singular: one Andrea

53 27.The (kids) backpacks were very heavy.

54 Answer: kids’ backpacks Plural: more than one kid

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