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Determination of initial conditions for dam erosion due to overtopping and possible integration into a probabilistic design concept Dr.-Ing. K. Broich.

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Presentation on theme: "Determination of initial conditions for dam erosion due to overtopping and possible integration into a probabilistic design concept Dr.-Ing. K. Broich."— Presentation transcript:

1 Determination of initial conditions for dam erosion due to overtopping and possible integration into a probabilistic design concept Dr.-Ing. K. Broich University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich

2 1.Initial conditions 2.Case study 3.Monte Carlo simulation

3 University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich t dH/dt dz/dt Q Initial perioddepletion

4 University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich 1.Flood wave 2.Initial breach 3.Initial water depth 4.Outlet 5.Overtopping 6.Dam coverage

5 University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich

6 Proposal : Safety factor for Overtoping failure of earthen dams = Scaling factor on design flood wave needed to start erosion

7 University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich 1.Initial conditions 2.Case study 3.Monte Carlo simulation

8 University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich Test case : 1.Calculation with scaled design flood wave HQ1000 and initial water depth at flood water level 2.Calculation with unscaled PMF flood wave and initial water depth at dam crest

9 University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich V H



12 1.Initial conditions 2.Case study 3.Monte Carlo simulation

13 University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich

14 Load variables for overtopping Failure mode Flood wave *) Initial water depth *) bivariate variable -> volume

15 University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich (Hable,2001)

16 University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich The probabilistic method using a Monte Carlo simulation (Hable, 2001) can be extended to calculate the probability of an overtopping failure. The failure condition has to be substituted by the mentioned „CIRIA-condition“.


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