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SWEDISH ARMED FORCES Concept development

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1 SWEDISH ARMED FORCES Concept development
JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

2 Joint Concept Development and Experiment Centre JCDEC
Demobilization Area Telecom Storage C2 Units C4I Development Unit SWAF Development Center DMA METOCC DMA This is a view over the building. Actually, the facilities are a former fan factory. There are several actors operating in the buildning. Example of other atcors are the Defence Materiel Administration, Units from the regiment and but also civilian companies. We are all rental guests. (Former ABB Fan Factory) JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

3 Outline Background Swedish Doctrinal development
Joint Concept Development Experimentation Centre from a CD&E perspective Upcoming Events Personnel and Organizational development EBAO development I will follow this outline during the presentation. First some words about the Joint C4I Development Center and the Demo Experiment followed by the recent doctrinal development efforts in Sweden,, upcoming events, and some personnel changes. JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

4 Swedish Defence Transformation
From an Anti-Invasion Defence to a Flexible and Expeditionary Force Cold War Today With the strategic lock-down of Europe during the cold war the doctrinal development was pretty static in Sweden and the Armed Forces was totally focused on defending the homeland. After the end of the cold war the focus has shifted to a more flexible and expeditionary force, a force used in coalition with for example NATO, EU or UN. The transformation of the Swedish forces is focused on interoperability. The Swedish CHOD used that word at least 10 times during his office call to the JFCOM COS in October last year. We have a long tradition of sending troops to various peacekeeping and peace support operations around the world, for example Korea, Congo, Kashmir, Cyprus, the Middle East, and today in Afghanistan, Liberia, Sudan, and the Balkans. An increased ability to participate in multinational operations JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

5 NBD COP EBAO CA Tech Info Sec Joint Engagm Inter- Precision
the Swedish method for creating flexible forces COP EBAO Inter- operability Precision engagement Role-based situation awareness CA Info Sec Decision superiority Rapidly adaptable units Continuous training and exercises Tech Joint Engagm Continuous and rapid development JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson Unclassified

6 Swedish Doctrinal Development Background
Based on Operational Art & Science Maneuver Warfare Principles Mission Command (“auftragstaktik”) Effects Based Approach ,EBAO. ( both UN, EU and NATO Based at a Comprehensive Approach. The Swedish doctrinal development have by tradition been built upon operational art and science, maneuver warfare principles and mission command. Recently we have started to implement some of the theoretical background that’s developed for EBO. JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

7 Swedish Doctrinal Development
National Constitution Armed Forces Regulations Connections to the constitution and to laws Doktrinerna alla volymer JCDEC Unclassified

8 Swedish Doctrinal Development
Doktrin för informationsoperationer Försvarsmaktens doktrin för informationsoperationer 2004 gemensamma operationer doktrin för gemensamma operationer markoperationer doktrin för markoperationer marina operationer doktrin för marina operationer luftoperationer doktrin för luftoperationer Militärteorins grunder - för den svenska militära doktrinen Jerker Widén & Jan Ångström One doctrine Military Theory - Influence on Armed Forces Doctrines Strategic Doctrine C2 CONOPS Joint Operations Doctrine Land Operations Doctrine Maritime Operations Doctrine Air Operations Doctrine Information Operations Doctrine This picture shows the doctrinal publications that together forms the Swedish Military Doctrine. The Military Strategic Doctrine was the first ”new” publication issued in this latest review of the Swedish Military Doctrine. It was issued in 2002. After that followed in 2004 the Joint Operations, Land Ops, Maritime Ops, Air Ops Doctrines along with a framework publication concerning the Military Theory and it’s influence on Armed Forces Doctrinal Development. The Information Ops Doctrine is still not finished. Additionally, there are some supporting publications, among them the C2 CONOP issued in 2001. JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

9 Development of Interoperability
C2 EU UN NATO Bilateral Partners ( UK, NO, MNE etc ) NORDEFCO JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

10 Current focus on operational concept development
- Comprehensive Approach (CIV/MIL cooperation) - Effect Based Approach to Operations, Effect based thinking - Knowledge support - Logistic concept - Expeditionary capability - Development of CD&E methods - Command and Control JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

11 C2 Transformation STATUS
EBAO 2009 6 VIKING 08 DEVELOP Tech 09- 11 DEVELOP Method DEMO 03-05 06F 09 F DEVELOP MNE DEVELOP RRF Now ! (NBG) MNE 4 MNE 5 JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

12 Effect Based Approach to Operations (EBAO)
Diplomacy Information Desired Effects Economy Military DIME/PEMSII JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson 12

13 The Four Functions of EBAO
Effects-Based Assessment Knowledge Base Development Adaptation Effects-Based Planning Effects-Based Execution IN A CIVIL-MILITARY ENVIRONMENT ( The Total Defence Concept in a new way! ) JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

14 K B Knowledge Base Col Ulf R Johansson End State Analysis Legend:
Main Input KBD Updates Generation of Information K Red and Green Teaming Requirement B Products into KB Effects Development Synchronisation and Plan Refinement Gain SA/SU and Action Development KBD Resource Matching Effects - Based Assessment Planning End State Analysis JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

15 Swedish Armed Forces Joint Concept Development and Experimentation Centre
The Joint C4I Development Center was stood up in Enköping, outside Stockholm, last year as the hub for experimentation activities and demonstrations. It has connectivity to all garrisons in Sweden and will most probably be the place for future Swedish connections to other networks such as the CFBLNet. During my last briefing in March I promised to talk a little bit more about the centre. I will make it simple for myself by showing you a short movie instead. Up to Role players JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson Community Unclassified

16 JCDEC and CI4 Centre Stenvreten
Training area CD&E-lab IT soldier Mech units JAS sim BGHQ FHQ OHQ mvi Testlab Test & Integration Vision Lab Sensor nets Communications JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

17 Organisation of the Swedish JCDE Centre
SWAF Development Director (**) Steering board (JFC, Service Inspectors, DMA etc) JCDEC approx. 45 personnel Tech Develop ”- Supreme COM’s Staff Development Dir JCDEC ( OF 6 ) Technical support Development Centre Development branches at Service Centres and Schools COS Liaison with SRA Development and Experiment staff ( Three Departments) ) DMA, Civilian repr. Special Development projects Ex MNE JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

18 JCDEC organisation as a part of SwAF HQ.
C JCDEC JCDEC Board: C, COS, DOS, C E, CD PaP Coordgrp: COS, C E, C CD,C PaP, C IPT/C CPT COS Staff Support Branch Experiment Department CPT Concept Development Department IPT Concept Development Department Experimentation and Exercise Development Department JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

19 exp, exercises, training Deliver Concepts & Capabilities
SwAF JCDEC role in the overall development process Research Long term Plan SDRA SNDC Industry Multinat Partners Strategic/Operational/ Tactical Commands Service Centres Functional Centres Units Defence Colleges JCDEC Tasks Tests and Training Implementation Development Research Studies Support Coordinate exp, exercises, training Deliver Concepts & Capabilities Adaptation Supporting Participate Influence Suggest Supporting Training Implementing JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

20 X no of IPT/CPT out of the number of ongoing projects.
The way of Command and Produce at JCDCE Dir JCDEC Steering Board COS Coordination Board CO CPT CD CD Specialist’s WG Specialist’s WG Specialist’s WG AG Målbild har i sitt arbete studerat nuvarande arbetsform baserat på IPT och AG modell. Ag finner att denna modell kompletterat med en koordineringsgrupp mellan IPT chefer och led av SC just nu verkar vara bästa modell för UtvC fortsatta arbete. Ledningsgrupp hanterar övergripande frågor för UtvC inriktning ( strategiska beslut). Koordineringsgruppen arbetar med koordinering av det dagliga arbetet inom UtvC inkl koordinering med FAS 3 och UtvA. C IPT ingår i denna grupp. IPT leds normalt av Koncept- eller Metodutvecklare ur UtvC. Denne kan ingå som kompetens i annat IPT. Alla medarbetare vid UtvC kan ingå som ”inre” kompetens i ett eller flera IPT:er. Inom IPT finns det enskilda kompetenser såväl som att dessa kan organiseras i två eller flera arbetsgrupper beroende på IPT komplexitet och storlek. Ledningsgrupp beslutar om IPT upprättande och avvecklande och koordineringsgrupp beslutar om AG inrättande och avvecklande. IPT och AG är levande organisationsklossar som kan förändras över tiden beroende på lagda uppdrag och uppgifter till UtvC X no of IPT/CPT out of the number of ongoing projects. JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

21 Basic idea of how to work into the JCDEC
Concept Development Dept Experiment Development Dept Flexible resources with focus at each task over the Department’s timelines JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

22 The CD & E process Output The Development loop Input Knowledge LL
Guidelines The Development loop Output Deliver of products Wright Q In time Evaluate Analyse Agreements QW Execute Input Correct issues Directives Dialogue ! Plan CD&E method / org Attitude “the sky is… Hard ware Soft ware JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

23 DOTMLFPI Concept Development Influencing Doctrine Organization
Training Materiel Leadership Facilities Personnel Interoperability Concept Development Influencing JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

24 JCDEC role in Civ-Mil C2 Development
SW... SCG FBA JCDEC SEMA SDRA JFC CD&E SNDC NPB DMA Forum for Co-ordination and Co-operation for Development of Civil-Military C 2 Capability ( Total Defence/Interagency/CA ). JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

25 National and International Joint C 2 Concept Development 07 – 10.
( Decided by the Supreme Com ) NAT OBJECTIVES NAT MNE Dev EX 09 OP level (Tac (-)) Coord EU CRO CJSE Seminars Strategy Civ-mil EU/FN Experiment Log Joint Fires: Tech integration CJSE Supporting Concept Joint Engagement/Action Logistics KS Nat Dev 2009F WS CA EBAO Log Dev Ex 07 Joint Fires COP KS Concept CONOPS CA EBAO 2008 VIKING 08 Baseline for a Rewind SW Doc 2007H CD&E EBAO SHIFT MSA Cap Exp 2009S Operational Capability Expeditionary Capability CA and EBAO E.g. NBG 11, IKS, SWAFRAP 2008F 2007S MNE 6 – 7 ? 2-3 minor Exp Int Dev JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

26 Transformation Roadmap
Architecture Framework Foundation completed Operational infrastructure Design Adopt Adapt Develop Procure X Experiment X Experiment Exercises & Experiment X CD&E Capabilities – International missions NBG 11 Current Capabilities EU Battle Group New Capabilities Phase 2 Phase 3 2004 2006 2010 JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson 26

27 Development plan after 2009
Operational Capability Expeditionary Capability CA and EBAO Eg NBG 11, IKS, SWAFRAP Further Concept Development Finalise Experiment, Development and Implementation - COP - Info Security - EBAO/CA threw Development Exercises, VK 11 Joint Notes, SOP’s, Technical Descriptions, Instructions and Technical equipment’s/ Tool’s etc. JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

28 CD&E training and education 2007-2011
40-weeks CD&E NORDSUP 2011 2010 S 2009 2-days CD&E 40-weeks CD&E 2-days CD&E 3-days CD&E 2008 2-days CD&E S 40-weeks CD&E 2-days CD&E 3-days CD&E 2007 2-days CD&E 40-weeks CD&E 2-days CD&E S 40-weeks and 3 days CD & E course in cooperation with Swedish National Defence College. S = Courses for specialists in developing Concept Dev and experimention methods. 2-days CD&E JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

General: Establish joint concept development as framework for CD&E Establish joint development effort including civilian and military operational organisations Engage the Government and the Cabinet Offices as well as other non-military actors Exploit EU Comprehensive Approach/Planning as well as the national crisis management system as framework Set common and realistic goals together with important non-military actors Ensure near term deliverables, before 2009, as well as medium/long term development Institutionalize and refine CD&E methodology Develop ways and means for implementation in operational organisations as a part of CD&E, incl. training of operators Ensure long term operator interest and operational relevance Establish a combination of multinational and bilateral co-operation for development JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

For delivery to operators, (approx time-line for implementation) EBAO/Effects Based Thinking as a part of a comprehensive approach in the Swedish Military Strategic Doctrine - Conceptual Framework (2008) - Current Joint Operating Concept and Effects Based Thinking complemented with multifunctionality (2008) - Guidelines for effect based assessment (2008) - Processes and technology for quantitative and qualitative analysis for effects based assessment (2009) - Red & Green teaming to support planning, execution and assessment in operational level staffs ( ) - Principles for civil military coordination at the operational level in a strategic context as a part of a Comprehensive Approach in EU-led operations (2009) - Harmonized operational planning process (OPP) including terminology with effects based thinking (2009) - Modified operational staff SOI/SOPs to support effects based thinking (2009) Civil military co-ordination and joint engagement during execution at the operational level incl. principles, processes and supporting technology - Visualization of planned temporal and spatial effects planning (2008) - Co-ordination of joint fires, information operations, logistics, CIMIC and civilian activities (2008) - Collaboration with relevant actors to support co-ordination (2008) JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

For delivery to operators, (approx time-line for implementation) Overarching strategic and related concept development - Principles and processes for joint military civilian strategic planning as a part of a comprehensive approach (2009) - Processes for civil military coordination at the operational level in a strategic context as a part of a Comprehensive Approach in EU-led operations (2008) Joint Logistics at the military strategic, operational and tactical levels as a part of a comprehensive approach - C2 for logistics (2008) - Decision support incl. prediction ( ) - Co-ordination of logistics with other actors ( ) Knowledge support to effects-based planning, execution and assessment incl. principles, processes and technology - Integration of knowledge producers (2009) - Information architecture and supporting technology in operational staffs (2010) - Knowledge management officers and systems analysis in operational level staffs (2009) - Multinational information sharing with prioritized partners (2010) - Joint collaboration tool for military staffs. (2008) JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

32 Main Projects for JCDEC 2009-10
C 2 Concept development for Joint operations EBAO development ( CA ) inclusive MNE 6 COP, Info Security development Joint Action ( Joint Fires Field Exp ) Joint Logistics Participate in “PERP” ( Long term planning ) Support to the Swedish Development Exercise Support to the VIKING 11 Exercise incl CJSE Support to JFCOM, Centre’s and School’s etc. JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

33 Questions? Col Ulf R Johansson
General, I conclude my briefing with these pictures from the beautiful country of Sweden and I am now prepared to answer questions from you or the audience. JCDEC Col Ulf R Johansson

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