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1 / 25 IPM CMMI Integrated Project Management (IPM) Dieter De Paepe & Sarah Bourgeois.

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1 1 / 25 IPM CMMI Integrated Project Management (IPM) Dieter De Paepe & Sarah Bourgeois

2 2 / 25 IPM Integrated  A project has initial knowledge n Standard processes in the company On testing, management, development,... n Initial facts and assets Experience, size of team, time,... n Stakeholders Clients, managers, marketers, developers,...  Based on these, IPM tries to compose: n Project’s defined process = define integration of the standard processes in the project n Useful work products (environment, plans,...) n Feedback loops to other process area’s Project Management(IPM) Purpose

3 3 / 25 IPM Integrated Project Management(IPM) Situated CM OPFOPD MA OT OID OPP PPQA PMCPP IPM SAM RSKM QPM REQM RD TS PI VER VAL DAR CAR ProcessProjectEngineeringSupport PROMANSUPENG ML 5 ML4 ML3 ML2

4 4 / 25 IPM Integrated Project Management(IPM) Situated

5 5 / 25 Integrated Process Management (IPM) Benefits  The interfaces between the different standard processes are revealed and gives us new information.  New weaknesses in the integration of all involved assets and stakeholders are discovered.  New collected information can serve for future projects. IPM

6 6 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Specific Goals (1)  SG 1 Use the Project’s Defined Process n SP1.1 Establish the Project’s Defined Process Implemented? Partially  Unintended through the collection of documentation on the sub processes But no written ‘defined process’ found in any project Possible improvement  Integrate all useful documentation in one integrated document  Based on: in-house knowledge and experience [1] SCRUM DefinitionSCRUM Definition

7 7 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Specific Goals (2) n SP1.2 Use Organizational Process Assets for Planning Project Activities Implemented? Partially  Knowledge of previous projects are used in the current projects. However: no explicit documentation regarding these assets. Possible improvement  Make more structured reports about experiences in previous projects and support these with measurements if possible.  Use dream questions. [2] Dream questions

8 8 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Dream question extracts “Sit together with the responsible persons when…” “The lack of processes and responsibilities during previous semester is something to be avoided in the future.” “Putting everything together in the end can be very 'painful‘.” “…have conversation with the client, some at the beginning of the project to know ‘what he wanted’ and later another to keep informed during the course of the project.” “A meeting at the start of the project with all of the stakeholders could have solved this problem early on.” “…trying to set up the infrastructure…” “Communication!”

9 9 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Specific Goals (3) n SP1.3 Establish the Project’s Work Environment Implemented? Yes  Communication channels : wiki, fora,..  Continuous integration platform : hudson,...  Development environment  Test environment Possible improvements  Good documentation on installations present [3] Document describing setting up work environmentDocument describing setting up work environment

10 10 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Specific Goals (4) n SP1.4 Integrate Plans Implemented? Partially  In most projects there is a long term planning available, integrating review meetings, internal meetings, deadlines.  In this planning, stakeholders are involved.  But the planning is not always strictly followed, when sudden unexpected needs come up. Possible improvements  Anticipate on these unexpected needs by better integration of the separate plans. [4] Project planning

11 11 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Specific Goals (5) n SP1.5 Manage the Project Using the Integrated Plans Implemented? Partially  Most projects have a quality assurance manager who is responsible for the correct implementation of the long term plan.  Most projects do have some estimations but not of all relevant factors. Possible improvements  More complete and documented measurements.  Better monitoring to verify the plan is being followed. [5] Overview of implemented testsOverview of implemented tests

12 12 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Tracking measurements

13 13 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Specific Goals (6) n SP1.6 Contribute to the Organizational Process Assets Implemented? Hardly  Few contributions to the ‘asset pool’ found.  Only some on wiki and in meetings reports. Possible improvements  Better defined format for the contributed assets.  Spend time on contributing assets throughout the whole project.  Collect more relevant information. [6] Meeting reportsMeeting reports

14 14 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Specific Goals (7)  SG 2 Coordinate and Collaborate with Relevant Stakeholders n SP2.1 Manage Stakeholder Involvement Implemented? Yes  Involvement of the internal stakeholders is well defined. Responsibilities are clear. Workload is divided amongst the team members.  External stakeholders are involved periodically or at appropriate times. Possible improvements  None [6] Meeting reportsMeeting reports

15 15 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Specific Goals (8) n SP2.2 Manage Dependencies Remark : Not all projects are dependant from external stakeholders Implemented? Partially  For internal dependencies: all projects plan meetings for ‘synchronization’.  There are contact session between dependant external stakeholders when this dependency causes problems.  In most projects, dependencies are defined in documents. Possible improvements  Better documentation [7] External dependancy documentationExternal dependancy documentation

16 16 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Specific Goals (9) n SP2.3 Resolve Coordination Issues Implemented? No Possible improvements  Assign the responsibility of coordinating between stakeholders to one person.  Anticipate and prevent possible issues and document this.

17 17 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Generic Practices GG 2 (1)  GP2.1 Establish an Organizational Policy n Senior management has expressed expectations and guidelines for IPM.  GP2.2 Plan the Process n Document chosen methodes of the integrated project plan.  GP2.3 Provide Resources n Time is spent on integration aspects. n Assets from previous projects. n Tools: Problem-tracking and trouble-reporting packages [8] Initial project assignment [9] Trac websites [2] Dream questions

18 18 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Generic Practices GG 2 (2)  GP2.4 Assign Responsibility n Project team Follow specified plans. Report, communicate & resolve problems. Document project decisions & problems n Stakeholders Communicate & coordinate [10] Team assignmentsTeam assignments [11] War room listWar room list

19 19 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) War room list  Overview (possibly a document) containing: n Roles & responsibilities n Action item list Who needs to do what till when? n Risk list – with mitigation strategies n Key decisions DateDescription 11/11/2008The project name is 'Hadra'. 16/02/2009Ruby is chosen as programming language. 16/02/2009The feedback feature is dropped.

20 20 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Generic Practices GG 2 (3)  GP2.5 Train People n Introduction about IPM Team Stakeholders n Training: group coördination, integrating processes,…  GP2.6 Manage Configurations n Project plan is placed under configuration management. [12] This presentation

21 21 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Generic Practices GG 2 (4)  GP2.7 Identify and Involve Relevant Stakeholders n See SP 2.1  GP2.8 Monitor and Control the Process n Quality manager: Adjust project plan if needed.  GP2.9 Objectively Evaluate Adherence n Monitor IPM practices.  GP2.10 Review Status with Higher Level Management n Periodic review with stakeholders. [6] Meeting reportsMeeting reports

22 22 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Generic Practices GG 3 (1)  GP3.1 Establish a Defined Process n SP 1.1  GP3.2 Collect Improvement Information n SP 1.6 [1] SCRUM DefinitionSCRUM Definition [6] Meeting reportsMeeting reports

23 23 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Findings  Strengths n  Opportunities for Improvement n  Proposed Actions n <>

24 24 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) Glossary  CMMICapability Maturity Model Integration  IPMIntegrated Process Managent  ML3Maturity Level 3, process area has the restriction to take company standards in account.  MANProject management, process area is situated in de project management domain.  Defined ProcessSee definition slide 2  Process assetsIn-house knowledge, policies, measurements,...  Work productUseful result of a process

25 25 / 25 IPM Integrated Process Management (IPM) References  CMMI for Development version 1.2  …

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