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Installation (ch. 15) MSO 08/09, WP. Issue  It is about the final step of “installing” a new software in an organization.  The issue is not just about.

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Presentation on theme: "Installation (ch. 15) MSO 08/09, WP. Issue  It is about the final step of “installing” a new software in an organization.  The issue is not just about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Installation (ch. 15) MSO 08/09, WP

2 Issue  It is about the final step of “installing” a new software in an organization.  The issue is not just about the software itself. The whole organization has to change along as well!  Which makes ‘installation’ complex and risky  you need to handle this systematically! (have a plan) 2

3 Global strategy 3 Current System Current System New System New System migration Unfreeze Technical conversion Change ‘management’ Refreeze Support Maintenance Plan these out in a ‘migration plan’ !

4 “Conversion”  Address the technical aspect of migration, covering:  Install (new) hardware  Install (new) software  Converting old business data  Strategies: 4 pilot phased simultant whole system modular parallel direct Note that the strategies are ordered differently than in the book !

5 Risk & Cost 5 pilot phased simultant whole system modular parallel direct In this pic. the strategies are ordered such that: Time and cost increase along any dimension. Risk decrease along any dimension.

6 Change ‘management’  Address the organizational aspect of migration (the organization has to migrate as well), covering:  Revising work procedures & policies  Training  Assessing cost/benefit  Motivating adoption of new systems  Important to realize that there are three parties here:  Change sponsors  within organization, have authority  Change agent  just the project management body, has no authority  Adopters / users  people that must adapt to the new system  may make costly mistake (imporper training etc)  may resist 6

7 7 Current System Current System New System New System migration Refreeze Support Maintenance Refreeze / post-implementation activities

8 System support  Is defined as: support for helping users to use the system (Dennis et al).  On-line support: FAQ, wiki, message board, etc.  Help desk 8

9 System Maintenance  Is defined as: the process of refining the system to make sure it continues to meet business need (Dennis et al). This includes:  Fixing bugs.  Modification (small or large):  Changing or improving existing features.  Adding new features.  In many cases the maintenance cost is actually bigger than development cost. 9

10 Finally...  You have seen it all.... Now go and make your software project!  Remember all what you have learned here. Try to apply it at small scale in your SP. You’ll cherish that experience when you latter participate in your real mega-euro project. 10

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