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Tasmanian Devils BY: Noah Introduction I hope you enjoy my report about the Tasmanian Devil.

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2 Tasmanian Devils BY: Noah

3 Introduction I hope you enjoy my report about the Tasmanian Devil.

4 Habitat Tasmanian Devils live on the Australian island of Tasmania and they sleep in caves or a hollow log.

5 Physical Description Tasmanian Devils may grow to 3 or 4 feet long including the tail. Most Tasmanian Devils have black fur with white markings, but some are all black.

6 Diet At night, the Tasmanian Devil hunts for small animals to eat. Tasmanian Devils also eat any dead animals they can find.

7 Behavior Description The Tasmanian Devil is characterized by their black fur and the bad smell the Tasmanian Devil secretes when stressed. The Tasmanian Devil also makes a horrible, loud screeching sound when threatened

8 Interesting Facts Tasmanian Devils have facial tumor diseases.

9 Summary I loved learning about The Tasmanian Devil. I hope you learned something from my report. By Noah Rohrer

10 Sources

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