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ZačiatokZačiatokZačiatokZačiatok. Štruktúra Director General Col Ing. Miroslav HRUŠOVSKÝ DIVISION OF MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS INSPECTION INSPECTION Ing.

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Presentation on theme: "ZačiatokZačiatokZačiatokZačiatok. Štruktúra Director General Col Ing. Miroslav HRUŠOVSKÝ DIVISION OF MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS INSPECTION INSPECTION Ing."— Presentation transcript:

1 ZačiatokZačiatokZačiatokZačiatok

2 Štruktúra Director General Col Ing. Miroslav HRUŠOVSKÝ DIVISION OF MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS INSPECTION INSPECTION Ing. Ján MOJŽIŠ DIVISION OF INFRASTRUCTURE, LOGISTICS AND FINANCE INSPECTION GS Col Ing. Stanislav JAZUDEK DIVISION OF COMPLAINTS AND PETITIONS INSPECTION JUDr. Vladimír PLAČKO Section of Defence and Mobilisation Provision Inspection Col Mgr. Ján WENZL Section of Management Inspection Vicarious Dr. Štefan TOMAN Section of Operations Inspection Vicarious Ing. Anton MORVAY Section of Infrastructure and Logistics Inspection Col Ing. Marian KUPEC Section of Finance Inspection Col Ing. Ján ŠIPOŠ

3 Pôsobnosť The Inspection acts in accordance with the Acts, particularly: a)No. 10/1996 Coll. on control in state administration... b)No. 575/2001 Coll. on organisation of activity of ggovernment and organisations of central state administration... c)No. 502/2001 Coll. on financial control and internal audit... d)No. 321/2002 Coll. on the Armed Forces of the Slovak Republic... e)No. 370/1997 Coll. on military service... f)No. 152/1998 Coll. on complaints g)No. 85/1990 Coll. on petition law... h)No. 207/1995 Coll. on civilian service...

4 PERFORMSESPECIALLY Úlohy 5. External control of civilian service performance. 3. Internal control of: a) Fulfilment of state administration tasks, b) Financial control, c) Armed forces. 4. External control of state administration performance in preparing and securing the state defence in co-ordination with other bodies. 1. Co-ordination of forming the internal control system. 2. Co-ordination of internal control realisation, it secures its methodical management and supervises its performance. 6. Control and handling complaints and petitions. Inspection as the supreme and independent control authority of the Ministry of Defence Department is directly subordinated to the Minister of Defence SR. Director General who is at the head of the inspection, is responsible to the Minister for fulfilling the tasks of the Inspection.

5 Činnosť It submits standpoints for the Minister of of Defence to materials for negotiations of the Government SR, State Defence Council. It comments draft orders of the Minister of Defence, materials for negotiations of the Minister of Defence College, drafts of generally binding legal regulations and internal regulations It provides legal regulations of the control actiyity area It is a professional guarantee of the standards for control activity and handling the petitions and complaints in the sector It elaborates professional regulations and methodical instructions for internal control and handles the petitions, complaints It provides co-ordination of tasks in performing the deputy surveys It analyses control activity in sector and drafts measures

6 GR IMO Is responsible especially for: - co-ordination of forming the functional system of internal control in the Ministry of Defence sector; - management and realisation of control activtiy in the Ministry of Defence sector; - co-ordination of control activity the Ministry of Defence sector. It makes decisions especially on: - way of realisation of control tasks on handling complaints and petitions, head of the commission to perform the control, - proposing the motions to the authorities active in criminal proceedings, - imposing the order fines to controlled entities. It is authorized especially: - to demand from service authorities of controlled entities to take measures in order to remove shortcomings found by the control, to assess their adequateness; - in very serious cases to adopt measures according to RMO No. 17/2000 on the control unit under the Minister of Defence SR; - to handle complaints.

7 Manaž ment - It elaborates drafts of generally binding legal regulations in its competence, - It conducts control of the Armed Forces, - It conducts external control of state administration in preparing and securing the state defence, - It elaborates the action plan of fight against corruption, assesses and controls tasks resulting from it, -It controls functionality of the control system in the Ministry of Defence sector and submits proposals to provide it, it verifies the economy and efficiency of spent public assets, - It co-ordinates the whole-state control system of securing defence on the level of central authority of state administration, -It analyses the control activity of service authorities, superiors and head employees aimed at revelation of corruption environment and behaviour,

8 Logistika -It analyses results of financial control in the sector and proposes measures, -It provides legal regulations in the financial control area, -It elaborates professional regulations to conduct the financial control, - It is a professional guarantee of standards concerning the financial control, - It conducts control of state budget assets management and state property management according to the Act on Financial Control; - It conducts controls in the area of logistics, - It investigates complaints and petitions under its competence.

9 Sťažnos ti -It provides legal regulations in the area of handling the petitions and complaints, -It elaborates professional regulations and methodical instructions for handling the petitions and complaints, - It keeps central records of petitions and complaints according to the Act on Complaints, - It investigates and provides handling the petitions and complaints according to the decision of the Director General of the Inspection, - It conducts controls of adopting, recording, investigating, handling the petitions and complaints and fulfilling the measures adopted for remedy according to the § 21 of the Act on Complaints and according to the Act on Petition Law.

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