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AGE OF EXPLORATION – EXPLORERS!. REASONS FOR EXPLORATION  During the 1400’s, most trade went through the Italian City-States of Venice, Florence, and.

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Presentation on theme: "AGE OF EXPLORATION – EXPLORERS!. REASONS FOR EXPLORATION  During the 1400’s, most trade went through the Italian City-States of Venice, Florence, and."— Presentation transcript:


2 REASONS FOR EXPLORATION  During the 1400’s, most trade went through the Italian City-States of Venice, Florence, and Milan

3 Mainland Europe didn’t like this setup for a few reasons: 1. It was expensive (they had to pay higher prices due to all the middle men 2. It took a long time (goods had to travel a long way by foot)

4 In order to avoid Muslim traders, the Europeans would have to go AROUND the Middle East They began to try and find a sea route This was a dangerous and long journey, but opened up new markets for the Europeans

5 INNOVATIONS IN NAVIGATION  The reasons that the Europeans could now travel long distances by sea was due to new inventions

6  Magnetic Compass: created by the Chinese around 200 B.C.

7  Caravel: was smaller, so could travel faster, the sails allowed it to be more maneuverable. Allowed for long distance sailing and longer voyages

8  Astrolabe: using the position of the sun and stars, the astrolabe allowed sailors to find direction and time

9  Cartography: the art of mapmaking allowed sailors to keep track of where they traveled, and allowed others to follow their route

10 CIRCUMNAVIGATION  travelling all the way around an island, continent, or the entire Earth

11 WRITE IN YOUR NOTES!! ExplorerCountry exploring for Land Discovered Today’s Importance Motivations for Exploration Vasco de Gama Cortez Columbus Magellan

12 QUIZ!!! WRITE IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!!! 1. Name two inventions that helped European sailors navigate. 2. What is circumnavigation? 3. Why did Cortez sail to the new world? 4. What continent did de Gama’s expedition travel around? 5. What danger nearly ended Columbus’ first journey across the Atlantic? 6. Name three obstacles that Magellan’s crew faced on their return to Spain (After Magellan was killed). 7. What were the Motives for Exploration (from Chart) for each explorer?

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