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Gummy Bears! Brittany Mills, Amanda Addair, and Morgan Hicks.

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1 Gummy Bears! Brittany Mills, Amanda Addair, and Morgan Hicks

2 Brach’s Gummy Bears. (Choice 3) 22 grams of sugar every serving. 140 calories per 14 gummy bears. 14 gummy bears are counted as a serving. Morgan Hicks paid two dollars and sixty cents at Wal-Mart for a one pound bag. 32 carbohydrates per serving. You get more than double the amount of gummy bears in Brach’s than Haribo but at more than double the cost.

3 Haribo Gold-Bears (Choice 2) One serving size is 42 grams. There are 150 calories per serving. That’s only ten more calories for 7 more gummy bears. 42 grams = 22 gummy bears. 22 grams of sugar every 22 pieces. This cost Morgan 89 cents for a 6 ounce bag. That’s only.3 of a pound.

4 Great Value (Choice 1) Every 15 gummy bears is one serving. There are 130 calories every serving. This is ten less calories for the same amount of bears per serving as Brach’s. With only 18 sugars per serving. Each serving is 29 carbohydrates. 9oz bag costs a dollar. That’s a dollar for around half a pound.

5 Product Testing!  People believed that the third choice was fruitiest smelling.  The majority of the group said that choice two tasted the most sour.  Choice 3 was voted the sweetest.  Choice 1 was said to have broken apart the easiest and stretched the furthest without breaking.

6 Product Testing Continued!  Choice three was said to have the best aftertaste.  Everyone voted that choice 2 was the hardest to chew.  Bag 1 (Choice 3) was the bag that people voted they were the most likely to buy.  The colors of choice three were voted as the most appealing.

7 Which made you the thirstiest? Choice three never was voted above 8 on a 1-10 scale.

8 All In All…  Great Value is the best choice for health reasons. It has the least amount of calories.  Brach’s is the most expensive, and Great Value would cost less if you buy two bags that would equal one pound.  Brach's was the best choice by taste testers while Haribo made everyone the thirstiest and seems to be the worst.


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