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1. FSM BACKGROUND 2. NSO BACKGROUND Office set up (law, nso system, “formal” nss Statistics compilation 3. GENDER STATISTICS (Past) good practices Present.

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Presentation on theme: "1. FSM BACKGROUND 2. NSO BACKGROUND Office set up (law, nso system, “formal” nss Statistics compilation 3. GENDER STATISTICS (Past) good practices Present."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. FSM BACKGROUND 2. NSO BACKGROUND Office set up (law, nso system, “formal” nss Statistics compilation 3. GENDER STATISTICS (Past) good practices Present practice 4. WHAT CAN BE IMPROVED FSM front Development partners front 5. Q&A Presentation Outline

2 Where is FSM?

3 Where is FSM? (p2)

4 GOVERNMENTS  Compact of free-association w/USA  5 governments  4 state gov’ts – implements  1 national gov’t – coordinates and facilitates Governments: general background

5 STATISTICS OPERATIONS Statistics Act authorizes NSO - collect stats from sources, protects confidentiality of data, penalty for data falsification, etc. Did not assure sources to comply (MOU; good relationship w/source person) Centralized (state stats offices are field offices of NSO) NSO & NSS NSO system in place NSS – no “formal” set up NSO: background

6 1. GENDER STATISTICS (Past) good practices Present practice FSM Gender Statistics: Compilation Practices

7  CAPACITY BUILDING  ETC Gender stats. compilation/ production: What can be improved

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