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Work And Financial Plan For FY 2015 DOT REGION 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Work And Financial Plan For FY 2015 DOT REGION 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Work And Financial Plan For FY 2015 DOT REGION 3

2 2013 20142015 Details MFOPerformance IndicatorsActual TargetBudgetTargetBudgetProject Locati on 1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT 1 TECHNICAL ADVISORY SERVICES 1. No. of TAs provided a. Tourism Dev’t Planning 10 355215473790 3162369355215473790 31623691.Plan Formulation 2. Convergence Programs 3. NTDP -Communicate -Updates 4. Cruise Tourism 5. National Ecotourism Strategy 2013-2022 6. Preparation of local tourism development plan(LGUs) b. Statistics 3 Seminar on Data Statistical Gathering c. Industry Manpower Training 188982566474666420748982566474666420741. Skills Training 2. Frontline Services 3. Tourism Awareness

3 2013 20142015 Details MFOPerformance IndicatorsActual TargetBudgetTargetBudgetProject Loc atio n 1Q2Q3Q4QT 1Q1Q 2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT 1 TECHNICAL ADVISORY SERVICES 1. No. of TAs provided d. Product & Market Development 3232774811237482619232774811237482619 1.Product Development -New Ecotourism 7 provinces 2.Product Enchancement -Ecotourism 7 provinces 3.Information, Education and Communication -Local events advocacy -various festivals 5.Market/Segmen t Identification -assistance in market development and segments 6. Gateway to gateway benchmarking

4 2013 20142015 Details MFOPerformance IndicatorsActual TargetBudgetTargetBudgetProject Loc atio n 1Q2Q3Q4QT 1Q1Q 2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT 2. No. of persons trained 14911507508506002350150750850 60 0 23 50 3. No. of training days delivered 7894551361419455136141 % of satisfaction 100% 80 % % of TAs responded to within 1-week 100%1551393614115513936141

5 2013 20142015 Details MFOPerformance IndicatorsActual TargetBudgetTargetBudget Pr oje ct Location 1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT 2 TOURISM REGULATION SERVICES PI 1: ACCREDITATION No. of accreditation applications acted upon 155 15 50 655018024080010988002938 2055705520032088011208803200 % of accredited entities with detected violations 5% 5 % 5% % of applications for accreditation acted upon within 3-weeks of application 90 % PI 2: MONITORING No. of accredited TEs monitored/surveyed with reports issued 1550655018024080010988002938 2055705520032088011208803200 % of submitted reports that resulted in the issuance of notice of violations & penalties imposed 5% % of accredited TEs inspected 2x over the past 2-years 80%

6 2013 20142015 Details MFOPerformance IndicatorsActual TargetBudgetTargetBudgetProject Location 1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT1Q2Q3Q4QT 2 TOURISM REGULATION SERVICES PI 3 : ENFORCEMENT No..of enforcement actions undertaken 5 5 5 5 20 5 5 5 5 20 No. of accredited TEs with 2 or more recorded violations over the last 2-years as a % of total # of accredited operators with recorded violations over the last 2-years 5% % of submitted reports that resulted in the issuance of notice of violations/ cancellation of accreditation 5% % of notification issued within 72-hours from receipt of monitoring 90%

7 Summary of Proposed Budget for FY 2015 (for Regional Offices Only) Personnel Services Maintenance and Operating Expenses Capital OutlayTOTAL General Administration and Services Support to Operations Operations5,80010,262 Regular Program Sub-Total Grassroots Participatory Budgeting 13,122 394 Sub-Total Locally Funded Projects TOTAL PROPOSED 2015 BUDGET 5,800 23,77829,578

8 List of BUB Projects for 2015 Project TitleCostScore (based on the guidelines provided) 1. Rehab of tourism sites and facilities, Diniog & Dilaguidi, Dilasag, Aurora Php 434,000.00 2, San Luis Tourism Industry Promotion and Development Office ( Aurora) Php 440,000.00 3. Local Tourism Development Projects ( Development of Picnic grove and River Resort and Mangrove Trail at the Balanga City, Bataan Wetland and Nature Park ( BWNP) Php 4,578,000.00

9 List of BUB Projects for 2015 Project TitleCostScore (based on the guidelines provided) 4. Manpower skills & tourism development, Sapangbato, Angeles City, Pampanga Php 720,000.00 5. Eco-tourism Development Project and Capability Training, Consuelo, Macabebe, Pampanga Php 500,000.00 6. Tourism Development Project, Luis Taruc, Freedom Park, San Luis, Pampanga Php 425,000.00

10 List of BUB Projects for 2015 Project TitleCostScore (based on the guidelines provided) 7. Tourism Development Project. SLP, San Luis Pampanga Php 425,000.00 8. Local Tourism Dev’t. Project, Victoria, Tarlac Php 500,000.00 9. Local Tourism Development Project (Development of Mapanuepe Lake), San Marcelino, Zambales Php 3,700,000.00

11 List of BUB Projects for 2015 Project TitleCostScore (based on the guidelines provided) 10. Local Tourism Dev.’t Project, Mabalacat, Pampanga Php 1,400,000.00 TOTAL Php 13,122,000.00

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