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Proposal of interface between GUS + Call Center and Experiments GDB Meeting – 2004-02-10 Klaus-Peter Mickel GridKa Karlsruhe.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal of interface between GUS + Call Center and Experiments GDB Meeting – 2004-02-10 Klaus-Peter Mickel GridKa Karlsruhe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal of interface between GUS + Call Center and Experiments GDB Meeting – 2004-02-10 Klaus-Peter Mickel GridKa Karlsruhe

2 Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting 10.02.2004 2 Support in the Grid Environment  Cern User Support (CUS)  Experiment integration?  Solves deployment problems (LCG)  Experiment Specific User Support (ESUS)  Solves experiment specific user problems  Grid Operations Centre (GOC) at RAL  Monitoring, Security, Accounting of Grid  Co-operates with system administrators  Doesn‘t want direct contact with users  Global Grid User Support (GGUS): Karlsruhe, Taipei  Solves Grid specific problems  Co-operates with users  Started with support for GridKa Users (02 Oct. 2003)  Interacts with CUS, ESUS and GOC

3 Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting 10.02.2004 3 Structures for a centralized Helpdesk Middleware & Interfaces Central Helpdesk Application Workflow engine Universal Database for GRID related problems Universal Database for GRID related problems Resources and Status VO DB Web-Interface for user interaction Reporting & Analysis Middleware & Interfaces JAVA Client XML Mail User ESUS, CUS, GOC Central User DB

4 Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting 10.02.2004 4 GGUS Goals  We have to build and maintain a centralized and universally usable database for all GRID related problems  This database will act as a central repository for reporting, knowledge base and base for quality assurance, and will represent a mighty tool for all kinds of development  GGUS offers the possibility to extend the GGUS problem management tools for the needs of others, especially for ESUS  Our idea is to provide an experiment specific collection of problems at one place, with extended features, like cross experiment search or other features.

5 Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting 10.02.2004 5 How to achieve these goals  Write a paper "ESUS and GGUS collaboration"  done  Ask ESUS representatives about the concept  done 28.01.04 (First answer received 06.02.04)  Incorporate feedback of ESUS representatives  to do  Extend collaboration with GOC for status information and enhancing the GGUS portal, based on ESUS (and CUS) needs  meeting foreseen: 08 March  Prepare and discuss final concept for collaboration between ESUS and GGUS  February/March  Start implementing final concept  April/May

6 Abteilung DASI / R.Kupsch Klaus-Peter Mickel, GridKa GDB-Meeting 10.02.2004 6 Some details to do for achieving the goals  Exact definition of responsibilities  Define processes und electronic workflows  Define views within the GGUS Remedy system  Develop and deploy status information tools for ESUS in conjunction with GOC (based on the tools already implemented for GridKa)  Develop and deploy web interface for users (extend the existing one, based on the ESUS requirements)  Develop and deploy web interface and workflows for ESUS (extend the existing one, based on the ESUS requirements)

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