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Mythology Function, Role, & Purpose in Society. Myth Defined  A traditional story about heroes and/or supernatural beings, often explaining the origins.

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Presentation on theme: "Mythology Function, Role, & Purpose in Society. Myth Defined  A traditional story about heroes and/or supernatural beings, often explaining the origins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mythology Function, Role, & Purpose in Society

2 Myth Defined  A traditional story about heroes and/or supernatural beings, often explaining the origins (creation) of nature/existence and aspects of human behavior (creation myth: an origin belief; a supernatural story that describes the beginnings of humanity, earth life, the universe, etc.)  A character, story, theme, or object that embodies a particular idea or aspect of culture (myths don’t have to have a moral; they can be about what is important in society/culture)

3 Function/Purpose of Myth  Answers the unanswerable (such as creation – addresses what was created and how) - science before there was science  Conveys culture - values & beliefs (creation, family structure, gender roles, morals, etc.) - geographical assimilations (housing, clothing, foods, work/jobs, i.e. farmers, warriors, sailors, etc.)

4 Myth in Society  Since man has lived in social groups, there have been myths (no society without them)  Oral tradition - myths existed orally long before they were written on paper - passed down through generations - unifies a people (way we feel connected to one another)  Adapt over time with society - Old vs. New Testament of the Bible - kinder Greek gods in newer myths

5 Mythological Archetypes  Archetype: image, symbol, event, character, figure, etc. that is used repeatedly in art or literature  Patterns/parallels in stories from extremely divergent cultures (i.e. flood, death/rebirth, hero, scapegoat, outcast, devil, monster, earth mother, temptress, Platonic ideal, unfaithful wife, sorrowing mother, “fall” of man, quest, journey, task, light & dark, water & desert, Heaven & Hell, etc.)

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