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Inspire MIG: - Technological developments - status and challenges: MIG-T activities, technology watch, technology watch, messages and interaction towards.

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Presentation on theme: "Inspire MIG: - Technological developments - status and challenges: MIG-T activities, technology watch, technology watch, messages and interaction towards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inspire MIG: - Technological developments - status and challenges: MIG-T activities, technology watch, technology watch, messages and interaction towards MIG-P Inspire MIG: - Technological developments - status and challenges: MIG-T activities, technology watch, technology watch, messages and interaction towards MIG-P, 1.10. 2014, Norwegia Mapping Authority, Arvid Lillethun,

2 New work package for the MIWP?: Technological developments - status and challenges Suggestion posted on MIG site Many narrow wp issues. Decisions within WG+MIG-T may have huge implications (MS, org, users) Action to lift up tech+ impl discussions Mid-term review An annual report from MIG-T? Can be part of a regime for interaction with MIG-P

3 New work package for the MIWP?: Technological developments - status and challenges Inspire is a directive/regulations specifying in very detail The MIG work programme focuses on narrow issues in extreme detail – necessary and highly appreciated work – more of this Do we need to accept existing Inspire specs and limits? Technology - moves quickly - we have to cope with it, else Inspire will be a dying directive Needed changes ….

4 New work package for the MIWP?: Technological developments - status and challenges The MIG-T should have a action working on the “high level” messages on Consumer trends – Observed and foreseen changes in consumer habits/ use profiles – Location everywhere – internet of things – Sharing Technological trends - solutions – Trends, “Open” ESDI & NSDI – Semantic techs, Linked data rdf, PID, – New formats - geojson, topojson, jsonLD, …. – New api’s/services - rest-api, …. – Sensors – Dynamics – integration of data sorurces – complex data structures - simlifying data – from geo to IT, – Should analyze to detect the most important changes/ adjustments to be done Data – Where to put focus – the large user communities, where to succeed – Facilitate national needs, not only cross-border European Roles – Implementing strategies – we steadily develop - which roles for whom?

5 Work in MIG-T – Annual report on tech and data implementation challenges Focus on users, benefits, ”quick wins” Relate Inspire specs/techn/org to trends Consequenses to continue as is / do changes Meesage unclear – drowning in details Generalise and prioritise tech issues to understandable messages Annual report Report annually to MIG-P Regime for interaction – MIG-T – MIG-P

6 Possible issue Example 1:

7 Inspire data models to cover needs of priority environmental reporting The objective was to have data models covering the full model of the main environmental reporting data The situation is that there is Inspire only covers part of the reporting data models EEA is following up two ways – EIONET community and reporting data flows – Inspire data This is waste of resources and confusing results with double data, continuing like this will not get support from technical tools/ work in Inspire The inspire data model should cover – all the needed features and be a 1:1 data model – Or at least cover the reporting data model Should identify the reporting themes in question; wfd, ccda, air q, other Objective to change Inspire data models How should this be debated in MIG-T Mig-T should give signals to MIG-P on a solution today Wanted situation or ReportingInspire

8 Inspire implementation to be specific on data themes and priority actions Example geology All kinds of priority themes? Harmonise which data? From bits and pieces to Pan- european or regional ”scales” ELF



11 Possible issue Example 2:

12 European organisations to distribute Inspire datasets? Data reported to European organisations to be distributed by these organisations On behalf of the countries Will build on existing data flows Will be resource effective Needed decisions Needed agreements E.g. Eurogeosurvey, Eurogeographics, Eurotat, EEA, Eurocontrol….

13 Health care/services data + sources Eurostat – statistical data on nuts 1 or 2 – Health care: resources and patients (non-expenditure data) (t_hlth_care) – Practising physicians (tps00044) – Licensed physicians (tps00167) – Practising dentists (tps00045) – Hospital beds (tps00046) – Curative care beds in hospitals (tps00168) – Psychiatric care beds in hospitals (tps00047) – Discharges from hospitals (tps00048) – use of the different services – Health care: indicators from surveys (SILC, HIS round 2004) (t_hlth_care1) – Self reported unmet need for medical examination or treatment, by income quintile (tsdph270) – Important Space resolution, nuts 1+2+municipality time resolution Actual figures (number of doctors) or health expenditure figures




17 Euro- stat Health care Health care: resources and patients (non-expenditure data) (reg_hlth_care) Health personnel by region - Absolute numbers and rate per 100,000 inhabitants (hlth_rs_prsrg) Hospital beds (HP.1) by region - Absolute numbers and rate per 100,000 inhabitants (hlth_rs_bdsrg) Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT) and region, in-patients, total number – Total (hlth_co_disch1t) Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT) and region, in-patients, total number – Males (hlth_co_disch1m) Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT) and region, in-patients, total number – Females (hlth_co_disch1f) Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT) and region, in-patients, per 100,000 inhabitants – Females (hlth_co_disch2f) Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT) and region, in-patients, per 100,000 inhabitants – Males (hlth_co_disch2m) Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT) and region, in-patients, per 100,000 inhabitants – Total (hlth_co_disch2t) In-patient average length of stay (ISHMT, in days) by region - Females (hlth_co_inpstf) In-patient average length of stay (ISHMT, in days) by region - Males (hlth_co_inpstm) In-patient average length of stay (ISHMT, in days) by region - Total (hlth_co_inpstt) Hospital days of in-patients (ISHMT) by region - Females (hlth_co_hosdayf) Hospital days of in-patients (ISHMT) by region - Males (hlth_co_hosdaym) Hospital days of in-patients (ISHMT) by region - Total (hlth_co_hosdayt) Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT) and region, day cases, total number – Females (hlth_co_disch3f) Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT) and region, day cases, total number – Males (hlth_co_disch3m) Hospital discharges by diagnosis (ISHMT) and region, day cases, total number – Total (hlth_co_disch3t)

18 Work in MIG-T – Annual report on tech and data implementation challenges Focus on users, benefits, quick wins Relate Inspire specs/techn/org to trends Consequenses to continue as is/ do changes Meesage unclear – drowning in details Generalise tech issues to understandable messages Only tech or also generalise from thematic clusters / all wp actions? Annual report Report annually to MIG-P Regime for interaction – MIG-T – MIG-P


20 National metadata validator Norwegian tecnical control tool/validator based on Inspire service We are connecting up to the validation service We get lots of “not accepted” metadata Why ? They are correct! Its because the Inspire validator is not only checking metadata But is also checking the wms! That’s not metdata Please split validation service into two

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