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Resource negotiation Two-tier negotiation protocol:  Provider and Mediator  Mediator and Client Provider provides resources/services Mediator aggregates.

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Presentation on theme: "Resource negotiation Two-tier negotiation protocol:  Provider and Mediator  Mediator and Client Provider provides resources/services Mediator aggregates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resource negotiation Two-tier negotiation protocol:  Provider and Mediator  Mediator and Client Provider provides resources/services Mediator aggregates resources of providers and makes them available to clients according to local policies Clients contact multiple mediators to negotiate for desired resources/services

2 Resource negotiation The mediator collects templates  Each resource provider sends a template Mediator creates a single domain template from all the resource provider templates according to local policies

3 Mediator... </xml Template Resource provider Resource negotiation Resource provider Resource provider... Domain template 1. Mediator collects templates

4 Resource negotiation Before an agent can negotiate, it asks for the domain template  The domain templates lists all the available resources in the location

5 Resource negotiation Agent Mediator Domain Template... 2. Agent requests domain template

6 Resource negotiation The Agent builds a request for the resources listed in the template  This resource request is sent to the mediator

7 Resource negotiation Agent Mediator.... Request 3. Agent makes resource request

8 Resource negotiation If the resource can be provided then the mediator makes an offer to the agent

9 Resource negotiation Agent Mediator.... Offer 4. Location makes agreement offer

10 Resource negotiation The agent can accept the resource offer if it agrees with all the terms and conditions in the agreement offer

11 Resource negotiation Agent Mediator.... Accept 5. Agent accepts offer

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