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Multi-University Collaborative Learning: The EQUAD experience Noshir Contractor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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2 Multi-University Collaborative Learning: The EQUAD experience Noshir Contractor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

3 2 Distributed Teaching

4 3 Cooperative Learning

5 4 Distributed Cooperative Learning

6 5 Distributed Cooperative Learning & Teaching

7 6 The Electronic Quad (EQUAD) Project 1995-2002 Goal: Distributed and Cooperative learning and teaching Testbed: 11 universities – Illinois, Purdue, Michigan State, Penn State, Wisconsin, Southern Cal, UC Santa Barbara, Kansas, Arizona State, Arizona, Penn Support: CIC (Academic Big Ten), UIUC: CIO, ETB, SCALE, CET; Purdue: LAS, CIO; USC: Annenberg School, Univ of Pennsylvania: Annenberg School

8 7 Graduate and Undergraduate Curriculum in “New Forms of Organizing & Emerging Technologies” Understaffing No standard curriculum Interdisciplinary domain requiring multiple areas of expertise How can we use distributed technologies to help address this problem?

9 8 EQUAD Courses Introduction to Communication Technologies Communication Technologies in the Workplace Communication Technology and New Forms of Organizing Network Forms of Organizing Analyzing Organizational Networks Communication and Globalization Knowledge Networks and Distributed Intelligence

10 9 CIC MCU @ OSU Managed remotely by CIC from ANL Course Info: Course Web site NetMeeting: Application sharing Real Producer: Live streaming Digital archiving and streaming Guest speakers Traveling faculty

11 10 Key Lessons Learned Overlap of expertise among instructors – an asset or a liability? Multiple synchronous oral and text channels: Enabling broader or deeper participation? Online vs. Offline OR Online & Offline? One-Many, Few-Many, …. Many-Many? Teacher or conductor?

12 11 Asynchronous Technological Challenges: Virtual Team Collaboration Support Tools IKNOW: Inquiring Knowledge Networks On the Web ( to support creation of virtual teams Group Calendaring software Mobile H.323 video-conferencing facilities, such as Polycom’s Via Voice Group Decision Support Systems for brainstorming, idea evaluation, etc.

13 12 Synchronous Technological Challenges: Floor Management Tools Tools to signal turn-taking – split screen helps, but.. Tools to queue speakers waiting to follow up comments Tools to manage multiple threads of synchronous conversation

14 13 Logistic Challenges: All a Matter of “Timing” Semester vs. Quarter systems Differences in University schedule for starting, ending, and mid-term breaks Differences in time zones Differences in Daylight Savings Practices – Indiana/Arizona

15 14 Pedagogical Challenges: Substitution, Enlargement or Reconfiguration? Virtual team collaboration: a “Bug” and a “Feature” Meeting face-to-face at the start of the course, end of the course or never? Managing and responding to feedback from multiple instructors and multiple perspectives Providing persistent access to course materials after the course

16 15 “Business Model” Challenges: Responsibilities for grading students and teams from multiple universities Agreements on tuition fees: Formal alliances or bilateral agreements Agreements on sharing responsibilities for costs incurred in “end-user,” “web-hosting” and “high-bandwidth carrier” technologies Agreement on Intellectual Ownership of Course Materials

17 16 QUESTIONS & SUGGESTIONS During this session: Email questions and suggestions to: After this session: Email questions and suggestions to:

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