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Observation Plans of AIPO Program Jianping Li and Guoxiong Wu LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Beijing 100029,

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Presentation on theme: "Observation Plans of AIPO Program Jianping Li and Guoxiong Wu LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Beijing 100029,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation Plans of AIPO Program Jianping Li and Guoxiong Wu LASG, Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Beijing 100029, China April 23-25, 2007, Beijing

2 印 度 洋印 度 洋印 度 洋印 度 洋 东亚东亚东亚东亚  Period: 2006.09 - 2011.09  Supported by Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of China  Chief Scientist: Guoxiong Wu Chief Scientist Assistant: Jianping Li Chief Scientist Assistant: Jianping Li Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction over the Joining Area of Asia and Indian-Pacific Ocean (AIPO) and Its Impact on the Short- Term Climate Variation in China What is AIPO Program? The National Basic Research Program of China /973 Program Ocean-Atmosphere Interaction over the Joining Area of Asia and Indian-Pacific Ocean (AIPO) and Its Impact on the Short- Term Climate Variation in China

3 RECOMMENDED JONTLY BY: CAS, NSFC, CMA and SOA 国家海洋局 State Oceanic Administration 中国气象局 China Meteorology Administration 国家自然科学基金 委员会 National Natural Science Foundation of China

4 OUTLINE  AIPO: Where and Why?  Key Scientific Issues  Subprojects of AIPO Program  Observation Plans & Some Progresses & Some Progresses  Summary

5 The AIPO joining area Western Pacific Ocean East Asia TP Indian Ocean SCS

6 SAM EAM AM WP Flow 台风源区 Three monsoon systems interact Typhoons invade

7 The theme of the program is to identify the characteristics, patterns, and causes of air-sea interactions over the AIPO joining area and the intrinsic mechanisms of their impacts on the short-term climate anomalies over China. 2. KEY SCIENTIFIC ISSUES

8 Western Pacific gyre interaction between tropics and subtropics and its relationship with the western Pacific anticyclone 1 Air-sea interaction over the Indian Ocean and its impacts on the Asian monsoon 2 Air-sea coupling process over Western Pacific-Eastern Indian Ocean warm pool and its impacts on the climate over China 3 Water cycle over Asian Monsoon Area 4 Development and improvement of CGCM 5 6 Ocean data assimilation and East Asia climate predictability 3. SUBPROJECTS Modulation of air-sea interaction by land-sea thermal contrast Modulation of air-sea interaction by land-sea thermal contrast 7

9 1 st subproject: Western Pacific gyre interaction between tropics and subtropics and its relationship with the western Pacific anticyclone EA-WP Heat Transport WPSH

10 2 nd subproject: Air-sea interaction over the Indian Ocean and its impacts on the Asian monsoon TP IO Air-sea EA Monsoon IO-EA

11 IO-WP IO Zonal Mode ENSO 3 rd subproject: Air-sea coupling process over Western Pacific-Eastern Indian Ocean warm pool and its impacts on the climate over China ISO EA Monsoon Warm Pool

12 4 th subproject: Water cycle over the AIPO Area 持续性旱涝 Persistent drought/flood 突发性洪涝 Sudden flood Impacts of ocean thermodynamic and dynamic processes on Asian Monsoon hydrological cycle; The relationship of Asian Monsoon System and vapor transport track and intensity; Impacts of vapor transport anomalies on flood and drought in China; Observations of Air-sea fluxes over South China Sea.

13 5 th subproject: Development and improvement of OGCM  Development of a new Generation Oceanic General Circulation Model (OGCM):  Development of a new Generation Oceanic General Circulation Model (OGCM): to describe wave-breaking and current-mixing processes; study influence of waves on air-sea exchange; improve short wave radiation penetration parameterization; develop a new OGCM.  Improvement of Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM):  Improvement of Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM): to study the influence of wave on air-sea flux exchange; to improve cloud parameterization; and to combine the radiating processes to enhance model performance.  Assessment and development of air-sea coupling mode:  Assessment and development of air-sea coupling mode: to evaluate and promote the existing air-sea coupling model; to explore how the improvement of the specific physical processes can influence the integrating performance of the coupling model; and to further develop and improve air-sea coupling model.

14 6 th subproject: Ocean data assimilation and East Asia climate predictability Ocean data assimilation:  Ocean data assimilation: to improve ocean data assimilation technique; develop variant ocean data assimilation system of high spatial resolution for AIPO area. Predictability of ENSO and monsoon:  Predictability of ENSO and monsoon: the nonlinear behavior of ENSO events predictability dynamics and its impacts on East Asian Monsoon predictability; the mechanisms of “Spring Predictability Barrier” of ENSO events; to provide new thinking for ENSO and East Asian Monsoon prediction.

15  Modulation of air-sea interaction over the Indian Ocean by land-sea thermal contrast over Asia-India-Australia area: reveal how land-sea thermal contrast over Asia-India-Australia area affects air-sea interaction over the Indian Ocean and the northern and southern hemisphere interaction, and to investigate how it affects the short- term climate variation in China.  Modulation of air-sea interaction over Western Pacific by land-sea thermal contrast over Asian continent-Western Pacific: analyzing TP heat source structure, and seasonal to inter-annual variation patterns of the land-sea thermal contrast between Asian continent and Western Pacific to investigate its impact on East Asian circulation anomalies and air-sea interaction over Western Pacific.  Impacts of land-sea thermal contrast over AIPO area on the interaction between high and low latitude in the stratosphere: to investigate the relationships among the large-scale land- sea thermal contrast, the air-sea interaction over AIPO area, and the stratosphere-troposphere dynamical and thermal coupling, and to establish their relationships with East Asian Climate anomalies. 7 th subproject: Modulation of air-sea interaction by land-sea thermal contrast

16 科学 1 号 实验 3 号 Supplementary Observation Plans

17 NEC NECC SEC Kuroshio Surface mooring east of Luzon Island Indian Ocean Western Pacific Ocean SCS ITF Schematic observation plan of air-sea interaction in the AIPO Region Submersible mooring system and cross section observations over the sea east of Luzon: Three long-term (2-3 years) submersible mooring system observation buoys and several (3-4) cruise observational cross sections near 18  N. Data: upper ocean temperature-salinity, flow velocity and air-sea interface flux, and other key parameters.

18 NEC NECC SEC Kuroshio Surface mooring east of Luzon Island Indian Ocean Western Pacific Ocean SCS ITF Subsurface mooring off Java coast Subsurface mooring at Karimata strait Schematic observation plan of air-sea interaction in the AIPO Region SJC Observations over Karimata Strait and upwelling region along Java coast: One long-term submersible mooring system. Data: temperature-salinity and flow velocity observational data.

19 Air-sea flux tower at Xi- Sha Island NEC NECC SEC Kuroshio Surface mooring east of Luzon Island Indian Ocean Western Pacific Ocean SCS ITF Subsurface mooring off Java coast Subsurface mooring at Karimata strait Schematic observation plan of air-sea interaction in the AIPO Region SJC

20 Observation stations of the Northern SCS cruise Stations/Cruise-legs MVP line Moorings Mooring (110.5E, 14N) Air-sea flux tower at Xi-Sha Island 18  N 断面观测:对 18  N 向东延伸,并在开放航次期间同 步实施定点浮标或潜标观测 (3-4 个航次)

21 1.Water exchange across Karimata Strait and Java coastalupwelling 1.Water exchange across Karimata Strait and Java coastal upwelling A protocol between State Oceanic Administration of China and Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries the Republic of Indonesia in late 2006. (1) Nov. 2007, observation equipments will be deployed by use of Indonesia investigative ships. (2) Feb. 2008, a cruise will be initiated. (3) Nov. 2008, observation equipments will be retrieved and replaced. Some Progresses in Observations

22 Java 潜标 The protocol was signed by SOA of China and MMAF of Indonesia. IOP Subsurface mooring at Karimata strait

23 2.The first open cruise of AIPO973 in Northern SCS  Sep. 7, 2006, the Research Vessel (R/V) Experiment No.3 was started its first open research cruise of AIPO973 in the Northern South China Sea from Guangzhou.  Main observations: CTD temperature-salinity, GPS sounding, air-sea flux, oceanic meteorology, ADCP route observation, L-ADCP three dimensional oceanic flow, on-line observation of surface on-line observation of surface temperature-salinity, temperature-salinity, submersible mooring system, submersible mooring system, etc. etc.

24 Air-sea flux tower at Xi- Sha Island NEC NECC SEC Kuroshio Surface mooring east of Luzon Island Indian Ocean Western Pacific Ocean SCS ITF Subsurface mooring off Java coast Subsurface mooring at Karimata strait Schematic observation plan of air-sea-land interaction in the AIPO Region MAHASRI PALAU AIPO CTCZ

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