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Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:00 a.m. – Noon, Embassy Suites Hotel, Ontario, CA.

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Presentation on theme: "Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:00 a.m. – Noon, Embassy Suites Hotel, Ontario, CA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Saturday, May 18, 2013 9:00 a.m. – Noon, Embassy Suites Hotel, Ontario, CA

2 Welcome, Introductions (10 min) Professional Learning (60 min) Math Practices Vignettes; 2013 DRAFT MATH FRAMEWORK Affiliate Networking (30 min) SMART GOALS, Affiliate Luncheon, NCSM Leadership Academy CMC S Board Business I (30 min) Minutes Treasurer Report 2012-13 Proposed Budget, 2013-14 2013-2014 CMC South Slate CMC S Reports (15 min) Section Committees, Representatives State Committees, Representatives CMC S Vehicles (Groups) (15 min) Conferences: SUPPORT FOR EMERGING LEADERS – K-5 Social Media/Communication/Outreach: MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH via Social Media Use of Fiscal /Human Resources – VOLUNTEERS MATTER – Exploring Web PD CMC S Board Business II (10 min) Old Business New Business


4  CMC South Board  CMC South Committee Chairs  CMC State Committee Chairs  Invited Representatives ◦ Benjamin Banneker Association (BBA) – West ◦ TODOS: Mathematics For All ◦ Math for America (MfA) [San Diego, Los Angeles]


6  Standards for Mathematical Practices in use in the Classroom

7  Guiding Principle 4: Equity  All students should have a high quality mathematics program that prepares them for college and a career.  All California students should have a high quality mathematics program that meets the goals and expectations of these standards and addresses students’ individual interests and talents. The standards provide clear signposts along the way to the goal of college and career readiness for all students. The standards provide for a broad range of students, from those requiring additional support to those with talent in mathematics. To promote achievement of these standards, teachers should encourage classroom talk, reflection, use of multiple problem solving strategies, and a positive disposition toward mathematics. They should have high expectations for all students. At every level of the education system, teachers should act on the belief that every child should learn challenging mathematics.

8 Draft 2013 FrameworkPublic Input  Chapters found at: /be/cc/cd/draftmathfw chapters.asp /be/cc/cd/draftmathfw chapters.asp  Review at: /ci/ma/cf/mathpublicr eview.asp /ci/ma/cf/mathpublicr eview.asp

9 PUBLIC INPUT: What’s here? What’s NOT? How does it support teaching and learning, to “launch the transformation”? Looking through a variety of lenses – Group Work

10 Critical AreasProgressionsRigor Math Practices and Content Close Opportunity Gaps Transitional K to Grade 12

11  Chart Your Group’s Findings (Your Lens, What’s here, what’s not)  Gallery Walk  List three ways Section & Affiliates foster educators’ ability to provide input to Draft Framework ◦ April 17, 2013- June 17, 2013 ◦ Summer, 2013 (60 days)



14 RSBCMTA January Dinner Meeting Elementary and Secondary Tasks to Support the CCSS Guest Facilitators: Dr. Melanie Maxwell and Bruce Grip Tuesday, January 22, 2013 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. As math educators we continue to seek answers to questions about the Common Core State Standards: "OK, now I have seen them, so what should these new standards look like in my classroom?“ "Exactly how does it look different from what I am already doing?“ "What kind of questions do I need to be asking my students?“ "What should my administrator be seeing when she/he observes my classroom for implementation?" Give One-Get One


16 Affiliate Tables: $200.00 Individual seats: $25.00 Tables need to be bought at the September Board Meeting Use Affiliate Tables for recruiting new members and leaders, to reward volunteers, to Network!


18 CMC South pays NCSM Leadership Academy registration, up to total of two (2) affiliate leaders nominated by CMC S affiliates. In particular, participants can expect to learn about key formative assessment practices and receive related instructional and professional learning resources including: posing worthwhile assessment questions, organizing productive faculty discourse around formative assessment results, strategies and resources to include students in the evaluation of work products, and using descriptive feedback for students. Due to: diana.ceja@pusd.orgDue to: by June 1, 2013. Attend NCSM Leadership Academy to advance SMART Goals



21  2012-2013 Budget Report ◦ Section ◦ Conference  2013-2014 Budget Proposal ◦ Draft budget ◦ Proposed activities to develop/extend SMART goals, committees ◦ Other input

22 May – June, 2013: Nominations July – August, 2013: Statements from Candidates September-October, 2013: Election November, 2013: Results Announced January 1, 2014 – December 30, 2015: Executive Board term of office


24 Math Ed. Community MembersBoard Increase So Cal math educators’ access to information Broaden mathematics education professional networks Active participation, exchange of resources E.g. cross reference one another’s conferences, websites; use media Within & beyond CMC South Board, members, affiliates. E.g. networking/learning time alongside business. Welcome, MfA, TODOS, BBA representatives! Linkages and “Sync’d Calendars” “Give One, Get One”!

25 Goal: Increase the Southern California's mathematics education community's access to information (Math Ed Community) Actions: BENCHMARKS:  Jan, 2013: Social Media/ Webmaster  Sept, 2013: All affiliates, partners drive traffic to CMCS  Sept, 2013: Site engagement up from 100 @ 3min to 500 @ 1 to 10 min per month on site  Sept, 2013: Double traffic to website, Facebook (1000/mth to 2000/mth)  Social Media/Webmaster  Website/Facebook: more interactive, reward referrals  Partners: reference each other’s media  Increase engagement

26 Goal: Broaden mathematics education professional networks across/within Southern California. (cmc & affiliate members) Actions: BENCHMARKS:  Jan., 2013: Each officer attends at least one affiliate event/mtg  Jan, 2013: Reps from BBA, TODOS, MfA, etc. invited to Board mrg  Jan., 2013: Board mtg agenda fosters sharing, learning, networking  Officer liaison to affiliate, as learner  Formal, informal partner reps invited to Board meetings  Balance networking, learning and business in Board meetings.

27 Goal: Active participation, exchange of resources (BOARD) Actions: BENCHMARKS:  Jan., 2013: Board minutes reflect sharing of new resources/information  (On-going): Posted, tweeted testimonials as to positive impact of resources/information  Board meeting time and structure for sharing from beyond the Exec Board: e.g. 10 minute segments at start and end of each meeting  Board invites include reminder of sharing opportunities.

28  CMC S Executive Board report: SMART Goals  CMC S Section Committees: ◦ “Common Core Math Circles” work-in-progress ◦ Equity: “Social Justice/Equity” targeted recruitment of conference speakers ◦ Awards and Scholarships -Category A-D Scholarships -Susie Hakansson Award – May-Sept nominations  CMC S NCTM Update (Section, NCTM Delegate Assembly)

29 20122013  Final counts:Adopted Theme: “Common Core Mathematics: Launching the Transformation” Proposals:  Exhibitor Ad/Sponsorship Rates and Terms  “Hot Topics” Reminder: 2014 PS Conference NEW DATES: Oct. 24-25

30  ComMuniCator Report  Social Media: Webmaster, Tools  NCTM Update (State, NCTM Delegate Assembly)  Outreach & Advocacy: Observers at June, September Adoption trainings; Framework protocols  Communications: Twitter/Facebook – sections to have regular entries by Affiliates. To identify point person.  Professional Development: Modules coming  Expanding Partners [CUE, CLS] {PTA, CABE}

31 (Remember: Vision, Vehicle, Voice?)

32 www.cmc- Click on “Board Meeting” CMC Members Recommend

33 CONFERENCES: What does support for emerging leaders look like? How do we expand K-5 participation? SOCIAL MEDIA What communication needs to go out to South members and thru what media? How do we reach more potential members? HUMAN RESOURCES Many leaders would like to contribute to the professional growth of CMC South members, but have difficulty making weekend meetings. Could we develop other ways for the sharing of expertise – e.g. web-based? 1 ACTION, 1POINT PERSON, 1 OUTCOME



36  June: 2014 primary adoption instructional materials reviewer training; June 17 th concludes first round of Framework review/input.  July – August: Final 60-day public comment period on framework  September: 2014 primary adoption instructional materials reviewer deliberations  October: SBE holds public comment on materials  November: SBE takes action on math framework  January 2014: IQC makes instructional materials recommendation  March 2014: SBE adopts instructional materials  (CMC State Outreach and Advocacy – Chair)


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