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If you have NOT turned in your homework yesterday, then TODAY is your last chance to do so!!! If you have turned it in then KEEP QUIET!!!

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Presentation on theme: "If you have NOT turned in your homework yesterday, then TODAY is your last chance to do so!!! If you have turned it in then KEEP QUIET!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 If you have NOT turned in your homework yesterday, then TODAY is your last chance to do so!!! If you have turned it in then KEEP QUIET!!!


3 A ball rests on the ground. If the earth is moving around the sun at the speed of 30 km/s, how fast is the ball moving with respect to the ground? The sun? 1.0 km/s, 0 km/s 2.0 km/s, 30 km/s 3.30 km/s, 30 km/s 4.30 km/s, 0 km/s

4 A ball is thrown straight up. At the top of its path, its instantaneous speed is 1.0 m/s 2.About 5 m/s 3.About 10 m/s 4.About 50 m/s

5 A ball is thrown straight up. At the top of its path, its acceleration is 1.0 m/s 2.About 5 m/s 3.About 10 m/s 4.About 50 m/s

6 If a ball were equipped with a speedometer and allowed to fall freely on a planet where acceleration due to gravity is 23 m/s/s, the reading on the speedometer would increase each second by 1.10 m/s 2.20 m/s 3.23 m/s 4.40 m/s

7 A freely falling object starts from rest. After falling 1 second, it will have a speed of about 1.0 m/s 2.5 m/s 3.10 m/s 4.50 m/s

8 If you drop a feather and a coin in a vacuum tube, which will reach the bottom of the tube first? Neither – both will reach the bottom at the same time The coin The feather

9 True/False: If false, change the italicized words to correct it. Speed is velocity with a direction Velocity is speed with a direction

10 Essay Questions What are the steps for the Scientific method? Give two ways by which speed is different from velocity.

11 UNITS Distance Meters Time Seconds Speed Meters / second Acceleration Meters / second squared or Meters / second / second

12 Acceleration due to gravity Letter used to represent this g Value on Earth 10 m/s/s

13 A car starts from rest and after 7 seconds it is moving at 42 m/s. What is the car’s acceleration? 1.5 m/s/s 2.10 m/s/s 3.6 m/s/s 4.20 m/s/s

14 A freely falling object starts from rest. After falling for 5 seconds, it will have a speed of about 1.5 m/s 2.10 m/s 3.50 m/s 4.100 m/s

15 What is the speed of a dog who runs 30 m in 10 seconds 1.30 m/s 2.10 m/s 3.3 m/s 4.5 m/s

16 Remember DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST. Answer all questions except Multiple choice on the blank sheet of paper provided. You will need a calculator for the test False statements in True/False have to be corrected

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