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Conducted January 3-5, 2000 N = 1,000 Registered “Likely” Voters Nationwide, and n = 250 Hispanic Voters Nationwide With A +3.1% Margin Of Error.

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Presentation on theme: "Conducted January 3-5, 2000 N = 1,000 Registered “Likely” Voters Nationwide, and n = 250 Hispanic Voters Nationwide With A +3.1% Margin Of Error."— Presentation transcript:



3 Conducted January 3-5, 2000 N = 1,000 Registered “Likely” Voters Nationwide, and n = 250 Hispanic Voters Nationwide With A +3.1% Margin Of Error

4 Do you feel things in the country are going in the right direction, or do you feel things have gotten off on the wrong track?

5 When you say the country is headed in the right direction, what in particular are you thinking about?

6 When you say the country is off on the wrong track, what in particular are you thinking about?

7 Do you approve or disapprove of the way Bill Clinton is handling his job as President?

8 Whether you approve or disapprove of the way Clinton is handling his job, what is your impression of Bill Clinton as a person?

9 Would you say that your vote for President in 2000 will be more a vote for change or a vote for continuing the policies of Bill Clinton over the last eight years?

10 Which one issue do you think is most important for the next President to deal with?

11 Which party’s presidential nominee do you think can best handle this issue?

12 Please tell me what kind of impression you have of each of the following individuals...

13 Please tell me what kind of impression you have of Al Gore.

14 Please tell me what kind of impression you have of George W. Bush.

15 If the election for President were being held today, and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote?

16 If the election for President were being held today, and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote?

17 If the election for President were being held today, and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote?

18 If the election for President were being held today, and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote?

19 If the election for President were being held today, and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote?

20 Which one issue do you think is most important for Congress to deal with?

21 Which party in Congress do you think can best handle this issue?

22 Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Republicans in Congress are handling their job of dealing with important issues?

23 Do you approve or disapprove of the way the Democrats in Congress are handling their jobs of dealing with important issues?

24 Do you approve or disapprove of the way your Member of Congress is handling his or her job of dealing with important issues facing the country?

25 If the election for Congress were being held today, and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote?

26 If the election for Congress were being held today, and you had to make a choice, for whom would you vote?






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