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Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Report on the Second Session of the IOC ICG/IOTWS HYDERABAD, 14-16 DECEMBER 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Report on the Second Session of the IOC ICG/IOTWS HYDERABAD, 14-16 DECEMBER 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Report on the Second Session of the IOC ICG/IOTWS HYDERABAD, 14-16 DECEMBER 2005

2 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Working Groups WG1: Seismic measurements, data collection and exchange WG2: Sea Level Data Collection and Exchange, including DART WG3a: Risk Assessment WG3b: Modelling, Forecasting and Scenario Development WG4: System for Interoperable Advisory and Warning Centres

3 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission WG1: Seismic Measurements Chair: Dr. Prih Harjadi / Dr. Fauzi, Indonesia Sharing of real-time high-quality, broadband seismic waveform data is essential to ensure accurate and rapid determination of the hypo-central parameters Importance of the seismic database to give Member States information on the full extent of seismographic data available in the IO is acknowledged All Core Network stations must have data latency values of less than 20 seconds MS should consider the use of both Mmp and Mm in their operations to accurately estimate large earthquakes

4 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission WG1: Seismic Measurements 25 new / upgraded seismic stations by June 2006

5 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission WG2: Sea Level Data including DART Chair: Mr. Premkumar, India 28 updates until July 06 Recommendations and specifications for sea level stations (standards by GLOSS) and for deep ocean stations (PMEL standards) have been defined but need discussion with MS

6 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission WG2: DART-like buoys End 2008: 28 stations planned by all countries Germany/Indonesia:

7 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission WG3a: Risk Assessment Chair: Dr John Schneider / Dr Sam Hettiarachchi Action plan: Risk assessment case studies (by June 2006) Risk assessment methodology and guidelines (by Dec 2006) Mitigation options & decision support case studies (by Dec 2006) Mitigation options & decision support methodology (by June 2007) Workshop and training exercises (July 2006 – June 2008) Information management, data collection standards and GIS

8 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission WG3b - Modelling, forecasting and scenario development Chair: Dr Pattiaratchi Recommendations for ToRs of a separate Modelling WG: Develop inundation maps for the coastal communities of the IO region (within 10 years or less if possible) Develop web based community models and IOC should allocate resources to it Model standards and scenarios be accepted and implemented Model benchmarks to be available on the IOC website Results of benchmark tests to be presented at ICG/IOTWS-III Development of inundation maps for different scenarios. This should also include translation of the inundation projections to evacuation maps (within 10 years or less). Training is required for member states and should include both short-term and long-term strategies: Short term training could include an IOC sanctioned certification or diploma For long term training the award of 50 IOC fellowships is recommended

9 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission WG4: System for Interoperable Advisory and Warning Centres Chair: Geoff Craine, Austrailia Recommendations: Regional Tsunami Watch Providers (RTWPs) serving National Tsunami Warning Centres (NTWCs) will issue the following messages: Earthquake Alert (asap after detection) Tsunami Detection Alert (within 15min after detection, frequently updated) Nil Tsunami Advisory (an earthquake but no Tsunami has been detected) There should be an accreditation process whereby the IOC designates a potential RTWP as being capable of performing the role. Capacity building should include training of professional personnel in RTWP & NTWC and take advantage of existing material from the Pacific System.

10 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Pre-Dec 26, 2004 System Status Present Status: graphic status of system in early 2006 Future Status; depiction of the optimum system Technical Implementation Plan: graphic implementation plans with milestones, tasks, costs, brief descriptions... Sea Level (including CB) Seismic (including CB) Risk Assessment (including CB) Modeling (including CB) Warning Centers (including CB) Mitigation/Emergency Management (including CB) Capacity Building Summary: a summary of all CB shown in above chapters with descriptive text Draft Table of Contents for an IOTWS Implementation Plan

11 Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission More information available at: http://ioc3/

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