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Cutting Speeds and Feeds

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1 Cutting Speeds and Feeds
Unit 41

2 Objectives Calculate the revolutions per minute (r/min) for inch and metric size drills Select the feed to be used for various operations Calculate the revolutions per minute for the reaming operation

3 Cutting Speeds and Feeds
Two important factors Diameter and material of cutting tool Type of material being cut Speed of twist drill referred to as cutting speed, surface speed or peripheral speed Distance point on circumference of drill will travel in 1 min

4 Recommended Cutting Speeds
For every job, choose the drill speed that will result in the best production rates! Portion of Table 41.1 from text Drill Size Cutting Speeds in Feet per Min or Meters per Min in mm ft/min 12 m/min 60 ft/min 18 m/min … 1/ 1/ 3/ Steel Casting Tool Steel

5 Economical Drilling Speed Variables
Most important! Type and hardness of material Diameter and material of drill Depth of hole Type and condition of drill press Efficiency of cutting fluid employed Accuracy and quality of hole required Rigidity of work setup

6 Revolutions per Minute
Compute correct number of r/min of drill press spindle for given size drill Type of material to be drilled Recommended cutting speed of material Type of material from which drill is made

7 Formula (Inch) where CS = recommended cutting speed in feet per minute for the material being drilled D = diameter of drill being used Revolution per minute = number of revolutions of the drill necessary to attain proper cutting speed for metal being machined.

8 Simplified Formula Since not all machines can be set to exact calculated speed, pi (µ) divided into 12 to simplify formula Example: Calculate r/min required to drill a ½ in hole in cast iron (CS 80) with a high-speed steel drill.

9 Formula (Metric) Convert so all units are in mm
Example: Calculate r/min required to drill 15 mm hole in tool steel (CS 18) using a high-speed steel drill.

10 Feed Distance drill advances into work for each revolution
May be expressed in decimals, fractions of an inch, or millimeters Three factors govern rate of feed Diameter of drill Material of workpiece Condition of drilling machine

11 Drill Feeds General –purpose Work Drill Size Feed per Revolution
Table 41.2  Drill feeds Drill Size Feed per Revolution in. mm in mm 1⁄8 and smaller 3 and smaller to to 0.05 1⁄8 to ¼ to to to 0.1 ¼ to ½ to to to 0.18 ½ to to to to 0.38 1 to 1 ½ to to to 0.63

12 Drill Feeds General rule: feed rate increases as drill size increases
Too coarse – chip cutting edges Too light – chattering noise, dulls cutting edge Hard steels or alloys use slower feed Softer metals drilled with faster feed Blue steel chips indicate too much heat at cutting edge Dull cutting edge or too high speed

13 Cutting Fluids Provide both cooling and lubrication
Properties of an effective liquid in dissipating heat Able to absorb heat rapidly Have good resistance to evaporation Have high thermal conductivity Oil: good lubricant, poor coolant Water: best coolant, no lubricating value (promotes rust)

14 Good Cutting Fluid Cool workpiece and tool Reduce friction
Improve cutting action Protect work against rusting Provide antiweld properties Wash away chips

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