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Page 1 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED CARE-ASAS Activity 3: ASM Time-Based Sequencing OSED.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED CARE-ASAS Activity 3: ASM Time-Based Sequencing OSED."— Presentation transcript:

1 page 1 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED CARE-ASAS Activity 3: ASM Time-Based Sequencing OSED

2 page 2 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Objectives and Tasks  Objectives:  To provide relevant information for safety assessment  R&D work, not any implementation objectives  Tasks:  Description of the operating environment and time- based sequencing operations  Focus on operations description and higher-level description of CNS/ASAS functions

3 page 3 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Airspace characteristics

4 page 4 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Application characteristics  Time-based sequencing characteristics  Time criteria used for separation  Airborne separation minima may be smaller than ATC separation minima  Airborne separation minima may be defined either in time or in distance  Controller no more provides separation between aircraft involved in time-based sequencing procedure  Controller provides compatible navigation instructions/clearances to both aircraft involved in time- based sequencing procedure  Controller ensures separation with surrounding traffic

5 page 5 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Time-based sequencing applications

6 page 6 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Procedures (1/2)  Identification phase  Detection of opportunity for a time-based sequencing procedure  Positive identification of the target aircraft with identification by the controller and confirmation by the flight-crew  ATC clearance delivery  Execution phase  Flight crew responsible for complying with the specific time-based sequencing clearances  Clearance update and transfer to next sector  Termination phase  Normal or Abnormal end of procedure

7 page 7 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Merge behind DLH234 40240 AFR345 43253 WPT  AFR345 select target 1234  Selecting target 1234, AFR345  Target identified 1234, AFR345  AFR345, behind target, merge to WPT to be 2min behind  Merging to WPT to be 2min behind target, AFR345  Cancel delegation, AFR345 /  AFR345 passing waypoint /  AFR345 unable delegation separation

8 page 8 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Procedures (2/2)  Transfer of time-based sequencing procedure  Receiving controller informed of the incoming pair of aircraft  Delegation information displayed on the CWP automatically transferred between sectors  Confirmation by the flight-crew executing a time-based sequencing procedure of the on-going clearance to the receiver controller

9 page 9 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Functional characteristics ATC system  CWP equipped with marking facilities  Delegation information transferred automatically between sectors

10 page 10 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Functional characteristics Airborne system  Surveillance function (based on ADS-B and TIS-B)  ASAS Separation function  Consistency check of selected target aircraft identification and separation (i.e. compatibility with respect to airborne separation minima)  Provision of adequate information about selected target aircraft and for the establishment and the maintenance of the required separation  Alarm in case of a predicted loss of selected time-based separation or airborne separation minima  Adequate HMI

11 page 11 CARE/ASAS Activity 3: ASM workshop Brétigny, 19 December 2001 Time-Based Sequencing OSED Contingency procedures  In case of flight-crew inability to perform the procedure  The flight-crew interrupts the procedure and informs the controller about the interruption.  The flight-crew is not authorised to deviate from its trajectory without controller instruction (except to avoid a collision risk).

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