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Interesting Facts About Nutrition Chapter 10. Daily Dietary Requirements The data on this slide is for athletes as opposed to sedentary individuals The.

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1 Interesting Facts About Nutrition Chapter 10

2 Daily Dietary Requirements The data on this slide is for athletes as opposed to sedentary individuals The data on this slide is for athletes as opposed to sedentary individuals CHO  6 to 10 g per kg of bodyweight per day CHO  6 to 10 g per kg of bodyweight per day Protein  1.2 to 1.4 g per kg bodyweight per day Protein  1.2 to 1.4 g per kg bodyweight per day Fat  20 to 35% of calories from fat Fat  20 to 35% of calories from fat

3 Daily Dietary Requirements ( Males) Age 17, 75 kg (165 lb) high level soccer player: Age 17, 75 kg (165 lb) high level soccer player: 3 580 calories 3 580 calories 134 grams protein (1.7)* 134 grams protein (1.7)* 492 grams CHO (6.6)* 492 grams CHO (6.6)* 119 grams fat (30%)** of cal from fat) 119 grams fat (30%)** of cal from fat) 90 grams sugar 90 grams sugar Age 17, 75 kg (165 lbs) sedentary individual Age 17, 75 kg (165 lbs) sedentary individual 2 215 calories 83 grams protein (1.1)* 305 grams CHO (4.0)* 74 grams fat (30%)** 55 grams sugar * g/kg/day ** % of cal from fat

4 Daily Dietary Requirements (Females) Age 17, 59 kg (130 lb) high level soccer player : Age 17, 59 kg (130 lb) high level soccer player : 2 565 calories 2 565 calories 96 grams protein (1.6)* 96 grams protein (1.6)* 353 grams CHO (6.0)* 353 grams CHO (6.0)* 86 grams fat (30%)** of cal from fat) 86 grams fat (30%)** of cal from fat) 64 grams sugar 64 grams sugar Age 17, 59 kg (130 lbs) sedentary individual Age 17, 59 kg (130 lbs) sedentary individual 1 755 calories 66 grams protein (1.1)* 241 grams CHO (4.0)* 58 grams fat (30%)** 44 grams sugar * g/kg/day ** % of cal from fat

5 Michael Phelps Diet Consumes 12 000 cal per day! Consumes 12 000 cal per day! Breakfast: Breakfast: 3 fried egg sandwiches 3 fried egg sandwiches 2 cups coffee 2 cups coffee 5 egg omlette 5 egg omlette Bowl of grits Bowl of grits 3 pieces French Toast 3 pieces French Toast 3 chocolate chip pancakes 3 chocolate chip pancakes Dinner: –1 lb pasta –1 large pizza –Energy drink “I have trouble keeping weight on” Lunch: – 1 lb pasta – 2 ham & cheese sandwiches – Energy drink (1 000 cal)

6 Tim Hortons Nutritional Facts and Figures

7 Guess the Product 330 Calories 330 Calories 10 grams fat 10 grams fat 6 grams protein 6 grams protein 55 grams carbs 55 grams carbs 2 grams fibre 2 grams fibre 22 grams sugar 22 grams sugar Blueberry Fritter

8 Guess the Product 390 Calories 390 Calories 17 grams fat 17 grams fat 6 grams protein 6 grams protein 56 grams carbs 56 grams carbs 2 grams fibre 2 grams fibre 26 grams sugar 26 grams sugar Banana Nut Muffin

9 Guess the Product 230 Calories 230 Calories 9 grams fat 9 grams fat 2 grams protein 2 grams protein 35 grams carbs 35 grams carbs 1 grams fibre 1 grams fibre 19 grams sugar 19 grams sugar Chocolate Chunk Cookie

10 Guess the Product 444 Calories 444 Calories 17 grams fat 17 grams fat 13 grams protein 13 grams protein 62 grams carbs 62 grams carbs 4 grams fibre 4 grams fibre 8 grams sugar 8 grams sugar Bagel and Cream Cheese

11 In A Hurry for Lunch… Big Mac, Large Fries, Large Pop From McDonald’s AthleteSedentary 1 430 Calories 1 430 Calories 56 grams fat 56 grams fat 30 grams protein 30 grams protein 205 grams carbs 205 grams carbs 9 grams fibre 9 grams fibre 96 grams sugar 96 grams sugar 1 520 mg sodium 1 520 mg sodium

12 Other Facts Energy equation: Energy equation: Energy storage = Energy Intake – Energy Output When balance is not achieved, athletic performance can hindered and there can be negative health consequences. When balance is not achieved, athletic performance can hindered and there can be negative health consequences. Negative energy balance  decrease in body weight Negative energy balance  decrease in body weight Positive energy balance  weight gain Positive energy balance  weight gain

13 Calories In the dietary context, a Calorie is a measure of the amount of energy that food will produce as it passes through the body. In the dietary context, a Calorie is a measure of the amount of energy that food will produce as it passes through the body. 1 calorie = 4.184 joules 1 calorie = 4.184 joules

14 Metabolic Rate Metabolic rate: energy that needs to be consumed in order to breathe, sustain heartbeat, nervous activity, etc. Metabolic rate: energy that needs to be consumed in order to breathe, sustain heartbeat, nervous activity, etc. This is the energy you would expend if you are doing nothing at all. This is the energy you would expend if you are doing nothing at all. MR increases with amount of muscle tissue and reduces with age MR increases with amount of muscle tissue and reduces with age

15 Calculating Metabolic Rate Males: Males: 66.5 + (5 x H) + (13.7 x W) – (6.8 x A) Females Females 665 + (1.9 x H) + (9.5 x W) – (4.7 x A) W= weight in kg, H = height in cm, A = age

16 Estimating Daily Caloric Intake from RMR Sedentary individual: Sedentary individual: RMR x 1.4 Active individual (moderate exercise 3x per week): Active individual (moderate exercise 3x per week): RMR x 1.6 Highly active (hi activity 4x per week): Highly active (hi activity 4x per week): RMR x 1.8

17 500 Cal per day too much X 7 days = 500 Cal per day too much X 7 days = 3 500 extra Calories (or 1 lb of fat!). 3 500 extra Calories (or 1 lb of fat!). Excess CHO, protein, or fat is ALL converted to fat. Excess CHO, protein, or fat is ALL converted to fat.

18 Body Mass Index (BMI) Assesses the extent that individuals are balancing the energy equation. Assesses the extent that individuals are balancing the energy equation. BMI = weight in kg BMI = weight in kg (height in metres) 2 (height in metres) 2 BMI >= 27  considered overweight BMI >= 27  considered overweight BMI >=30  considered obese BMI >=30  considered obese BMI <=18.5  considered underweight (1/10 Canadians!) BMI <=18.5  considered underweight (1/10 Canadians!) System is FAR FROM PERFECT. It does not differentiate excess fat from excess muscle. System is FAR FROM PERFECT. It does not differentiate excess fat from excess muscle.

19 Low Fat Food and Transfats Low fat foods often have high amounts of sugar. You might be consuming just as much energy as a non low fat item. Low fat foods often have high amounts of sugar. You might be consuming just as much energy as a non low fat item. Transfats: Transfats: Are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats. Are hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats. High concentrations of LDLs High concentrations of LDLs Reduce HDLs Reduce HDLs Have NO nutritional benefits Have NO nutritional benefits

20 Top 10 Trans Fat Rich Foods 1. Spreads (ie. Margarine) 2. Packaged foods (ie. Cake mix) 3. Soups 4. Fast Food (esp. fries, Chicken, desserts) 5. Frozen Foods (ie. Waffles, pizza) 6.Commercially Baked Goods 7.Supermarket Cookies and Cakes 8.Donuts 9.Cream Filled Cookies 10. Pound Cake

21 Obesity Presence of excessive body fat in individuals Presence of excessive body fat in individuals Two biggest contributers: Two biggest contributers: Poor diet Poor diet Inactivity Inactivity Severe effect on life expectancy (Males  LE ↓ by 20 years if obese at 20. Females  8 year ↓ if obese at 20 Severe effect on life expectancy (Males  LE ↓ by 20 years if obese at 20. Females  8 year ↓ if obese at 20

22 Food for Thought (No pun intended!) (No pun intended!) Many people believe this (ie. you) may be the first generation where kids do not outlive their parents. Many people believe this (ie. you) may be the first generation where kids do not outlive their parents. The reason many suspect this is because of obesity. The reason many suspect this is because of obesity.

23 Weight and Athletic Performance Excess body weight impairs performance, increases likelihood of heat exhaustion, and impairs O 2 utilization. Excess body weight impairs performance, increases likelihood of heat exhaustion, and impairs O 2 utilization. Extra muscle mass increases stability, strength, and offers added protection. Extra muscle mass increases stability, strength, and offers added protection.

24 Nutrition and Performance WHY EAT: WHY EAT: Protein: intense activity may mean muscle tissue becomes an energy source. Protein: intense activity may mean muscle tissue becomes an energy source. CHO: eating enough restores muscle glycogen and is essential for top performance CHO: eating enough restores muscle glycogen and is essential for top performance Fat: essential in low to moderate intensity endurance events. Fat: essential in low to moderate intensity endurance events.

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