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INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge ® and Sonic ™ David Cleary Principal Software Engineer.

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Presentation on theme: "INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge ® and Sonic ™ David Cleary Principal Software Engineer."— Presentation transcript:

1 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge ® and Sonic ™ David Cleary Principal Software Engineer

2 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 2 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Agenda  Technology Overview  Developing a Business Process from Start to Finish Developing Business Processes

3 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 3 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Audience Expectations  Understanding of tools and technologies used  Familiarity of thought process in creating a business process  Complete script of the demo shown

4 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 4 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Products Used  OpenEdge 10.1B01 OpenEdge Architect ProxyGen OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB ® OpenEdge Adapter for SonicMQ ®  Sonic Workbench 7.5 SonicMQ Sonic ESB

5 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 5 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Sonic and the OpenEdge Adapter for Sonic ESB OpenEdge AppServer ™ ESB Adapter Partner System Packaged Application ESB Process Enterprise Service Bus

6 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 6 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Why Sonic ESB and the OpenEdge Application Server  AppServer Web Service interface is not what you want Transformation  Need to route message to different services based on context CBR  Combination of the above Multi-step business process  Advanced Web Services standards WS-Addressing WS-Security

7 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 7 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Communication Models AppServer ESB Adapter Partner System Packaged Application Web Services Rest Enterprise Service Bus

8 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 8 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Web Services  An application that can be accessed using SOAP over HTTP where the interface is described using WSDL  Standards defined by the W3C Web Services Consumer Web Services Provider Java WSDL HTTP Request(SOAP ) HTTP Reply(SOAP) OpenEdge Perl.NET Java ™ OpenEdge Perl.NET ™ Sonic SOAP- based Web Services

9 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 9 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic REST – Representational State Transfer  An application that can be accessed via the HTTP GET/POST/PUT/DELETE verbs  Message content if any typically in the form of XML as defined by some XML Schema REST Consumer REST Provider HTTP Request(XML ) HTTP Reply(XML) Rest- based Web Services

10 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 10 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Designing Interfaces AppServer ESB Adapter Partner System Web Services Rest Packaged Application Private Interface Public Interface Enterprise Service Bus

11 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 11 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Designing Interfaces  Web Services vs. REST Use SOAP when you can leverage tools Use REST for simplicity  Conform to the Industry Recommendations Web Services Interoperability Organization ( SOAP Encoding deprecated – use Literal Use Document instead of RPC for widest client support  Learn WSDL Create WSDL to conform to interface you want – make it as simple as possible – it’s the contract Public Interfaces

12 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 12 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Designing Interfaces  Interface between Sonic and OpenEdge  Service is one or more related operations  Operations should perform a complete unit of work – make coarse-grained for efficiency  All OpenEdge services are Request-Reply and can return a fault  RPC/Literal allows mapping of individual parameters – can use Web Service Invocation Editor easier  Document/Literal allows using transformation of entire message Private Interfaces

13 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 13 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Agenda  Technology Overview  Developing a Business Process from Start to Finish Developing Business Processes

14 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 14 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Company Lookup Business Process

15 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 15 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Configuring Sonic Workbench with OpenEdge  Workbench manages two containers for development Dev.ESB_Core runs Sonic Services Dev.ESB_Test will run OpenEdge Services  OpenEdge installed container not used for development  Classpath and properties on Test container configured for OpenEdge

16 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 16 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Define the Public Interface  Defined by an XML Schema  Use an XML Namespace URL if schema can be retrieved at location URN if just a name  Create named types for your interface  Define Elements for your types  Many benefits by creating a schema Automatic example files Eases WSDL creation

17 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 17 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Defining and Deploying OpenEdge Services with ProxyGen  New ESB tab in ProxyGen for 10.1B Generates WSM and WSDL files for Sonic Deploys them automatically to Sonic Domain  Defines ESB Service Creates Endpoints – not underlying Queues Optionally deploys service to defined ESB container Sets AppServer URL

18 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 18 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Calling OpenEdge Services with a Web Service Invocation  Easiest way to call an OpenEdge Service SOAP message transient – data is what is important Scenario editor allows live testing of service  Add invocation to process Use mapping tools to extract input parameters Many options on handling results  Scenarios and tracking info help development

19 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 19 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Using Sonic Transformation Services  Transformations change results into what you need Save results as example document Schema says what you want Sonic tools ease style-sheet creation

20 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 20 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Using Sonic Routing Services (CBR)  Route messages based on content Supports message parts or headers  Routing based on rules files or XPATH Rules files written in JavaScript No coding required for XPATH  Routing like a CASE statement Can route to first true evaluation or all Includes default destination

21 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 21 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Calling External Web Services  Same process as calling OpenEdge Services  Design for unreliability  Use sub-processes to abstract implementation Easier to create new sub-process if Web Service goes away  Create Fault process to be flexible

22 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 22 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Exposing Business Process to Clients  Process currently has REST interface JMS and ABL clients send messages to Entry Endpoint HTTP Direct Acceptor for browser-based AJAX clients Replies specified via JMSReplyTo  Wrap process to expose as SOAP Automatic WSDL generation Wrap and unwrap steps

23 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 23 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Business Process Demo

24 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 24 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic In Summary  Design, do not generate, your public interface Use REST for JMS and AJAX Use SOAP for advanced clients (tools, WS- Security, etc)  Follow WS-I recommendations Use Document-Literal for widest client support  Use sub-processes liberally  Design for unreliability

25 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 25 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic For More Information, go to…  PSDN Designing and Deploying SOA Applications on Sonic ESB for the OpenEdge DeveloperDesigning and Deploying SOA Applications on Sonic ESB for the OpenEdge Developer PSDN Forum  Education Courses: OpenEdge Development with Sonic ESB Service Oriented Integration with Sonic ESB Using JMS in OpenEdge

26 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 26 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Relevant Exchange Sessions  INT-12: Mastering ProDatasets and Native XML Datatypes with Sonic ESB  SONIC-1: What’s New in Sonic 7.5  INT-3: Realistic Service Oriented Architecture Approaches  INT-7: Middleware Roadmap and Info Exchange

27 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 27 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Questions?

28 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 28 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic Thank you for your time

29 © 2007 Progress Software Corporation 29 INT-9: Implementing ESB Processes with OpenEdge and Sonic

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