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1 Directions for API 游志誠 2 Steps for Trials (Users)(1/5) How to begin? To go to CloudBOSS UP to apply for a set of API trial keys. To.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Directions for API 游志誠 2 Steps for Trials (Users)(1/5) How to begin? To go to CloudBOSS UP to apply for a set of API trial keys. To."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Directions for API 游志誠

2 2 Steps for Trials (Users)(1/5) How to begin? To go to CloudBOSS UP to apply for a set of API trial keys. To go to UP to apply for the only set of access key and secret key for the user. To browze the methods of calculation signature or download the Java SDK of calculation signature in API developer’s platform. To browse how to calculate URI parameter signature in the API directions documents. The Java developers can also download SDK (software development kits) with calculation methods. directions document on the API developer’s platform and understand how to send a request for REST. directions document, including request parameter, response parameter, and examples. There are also detailed directions for how to send a request for REST. To begin using API To send out REST request to call for API services such as Hicloud CaaS. For API REST service, please go to

3 3 Steps for Trials (Users) (2/5) API Developer’s Platform : doc/ API Directions Documents To browse API service directions. Directions for API service parameter.

4 4 Steps for Trials (Users) (3/5) Cloud BOSS UP Trial Environment of Cloud BOSS UP : To apply for or inquiry for API trial keys. Click the link of API data in UP, the trial keys can be applied or inquired. After clicking, the contents of secret key can be examined.

5 5 Steps for Trials (Users) (4/5) API Developer’s Platform : The method of signature calculation. There is a method of signature calculation in the link of “the method of calling for REST” in the API directions documents in hicloud web services which can be browsed without logging in Click the link of downloading, and the method of signature calculation can be downloaded.

6 6 Steps for Trials (Users) (5/5) Finally, you can begin using API to develop your application. Please use hicloud Web Services directions which include common parameter directions and wrong codes, and the development of your application program can be speeded up. To send out REST request API with signatures. To develop or use Http Client program which can send out REST request. To use secret key to calculate signature strings.

7 7 API orders to be used. ClassificationAPI NameDescription VM runInstances To build a VM (Clone From Template or VM Service ID can be assigned.) terminateInstancesTo delete VM. rebootInstancesTo reboot VM. startInstancesTo initiate VM. stopInstancesTo stop VM. describeInstancesTo inquiry for VM list. modifyInstanceAttribute To upgrade or degrade VM (including the change in CPU or RAM or Cloud Watch). CloudWatchgetInstancesStatsTo acquire the latest data in VM monitoring. LoadBalancer describeLoadBalancerPolicies To inquire for the list of load balancer policies. createLoadBalancerPolicyTo create load balancer policies. replaceLoadBalancerPolicyTo change load balancer policies. deleteLoadBalancerPolicyTo delete load balancer policies.

8 8 Calling API by REST Client Tools Firefox with RESTClient plug-in (or other REST Client) JsonView

9 9 Get Access Key Cloud BOSS UP Trial Environment for Cloud BOSS UP : Application or inquiry for API trial keys Click the link of API data in UP, and you can apply or inquire for keys. The contents of the secret key can be examined after the button is clicked.

10 10 Calculating Signature(1/2) For details, please see doc/rest/tutorial/howto-gen-signature.html This course uses REST service production (for this course only) Website to call for the service: generateApiKeySignature?chtAuthType=demopass& hnNo=${hnNo} (hnNo would be acquired from ID.) Enter the order in body (do not enter expires). Use POST.

11 11 Calculating Signature (2/2) About to make orders Organized API order

12 12 REST service website +${resultQuery} Send API query string Organized query string Results

13 13 Common Parameter action:API orders to be executed. version:Version of the order (Current version:2013-03-29) chtAuthType:Authentication mechanism (hwspass) expires:The time of the expiration of calling time. ISO8601 time format is adopted YYYY-MM- DDThh:mm:ssZ accessKey:accessKey assigned to the customer. Captcha, to verify whether the call is legitimate.

14 14 To Apply for a VM (1/3) runInstances Corresponding order of runInstances To use a standard VM template Parameter –imageId:VM sample ID e.g. hi-qe4ug9ev –instanceType:Computing specification e.g. HC1.XS.LINUX –monitoringEnabled – instanceName To clone appointed VM Parameter –vm id

15 15 To Apply for a VM (2/3) Produced order strings Related parameters for the application of VM

16 16 To Apply for a VM (3/3) To send back the ID of the order The order of the new application

17 17 To inquire for the VM data To inquire for the VM :describeInstances Parameter businessServiceId 或 orderUuid (If there is no such a parameter, it would inquire for the whole data.) To inquire for the whole VM

18 18 Results of the inquiry Related VM data

19 19 The operation of VM Starting :startInstances Parameter: businessServiceId (Can be plural) Shutting down: stopInstances Parameter: businessServiceId (Can be plural) Rebooting : rebootInstances Parameter: businessServiceId (Can be plural.)

20 20 Starting a VM(1/2) To start BV550100050 001 VM

21 21 Starting a VM (2/2) To start BV550100050001 VM.

22 22 Shutting down a VM (1/2) Shutting down order for VM BV550100050001

23 23 Shutting down a VM (2/2) VM BV550100050001 is shutting down

24 24 Rebooting a VM (1/3) To reboot VM BV550100050001

25 25 Rebooting a VM (2/3) VM BV550100050001 is shutting down

26 26 Rebooting a VM (2/3) VM BV550100050001 has been rebooted

27 27 The change of VM attribute (1/4) Related orders :modifyInstanceAttribute To provide a VM to be upgraded or degraded in the original machine, or to provide the installment of monitoring function in a VM. For the VM specification capable of the upgrading and degrading of the original machine, please see The List of Original Machine Upgrading and Degrading and Computing Specification. Parameter businessServiceId :Service ID of the changed VM. instanceType:Computing Specification of the changed. monitoringEnabled:Whether a monitoring function is operated (If there is instanceType in the parameter, the parameter of monitoring Enabled will be ignored.)

28 28 The change of VM attribute (2/4) The computing specification of the changed VM BV550100050001 is HC1. M.LINUX.

29 29 The change of VM attribute (3/4) The order of VM change is accepted

30 30 VM Monitoring (1/3) Related Order :getInstancesStats 參數 Paramter: businessServiceId (Can be plural) To inquire for the monitoring data in VM BV550100050001

31 31 VM Monitoring (2/3) The monitoring data in VM BV550100050001

32 32 LAB1 Entry of the logging in user To apply a key. Operation of Order To choose either one of the VM application imageId:hi-7ogdvkqh instanceType:HC1.XS.WIN imageId:hi-qe4ug9ev instanceType:HC1.XS.LINUX To operate VM (start, shut down, reboot) To inquire for VM monitoring data. To upgrade or degrade the VM. To download VM passwords. To log in the VM.

33 33 To copy a VM (1/2) To clone VM BV550100050002

34 34 To copy a VM (2/2) The cloning is accepted

35 35 To apply for load balance service (1/3) Related order :createLoadBalancerPolicy businessServiceId port 80 port SLM is set up for two VMs

36 36 To apply for load balance service (2/3) It is accepted successfully.

37 37 To inquire for load balance service (1/2) Related order :describeLoadBalancerPolicies businessServiceId (Can be plural.) To inquire for all the load balance service.

38 38 To inquire for load balance service (2/2) To inquire for the load balancer service BL550100050001.

39 39 The change in load balance (1/3) Related order :replaceLoadBalancerPolicy Parameter businessServiceId:Load balance service ID. instanceBusinessServiceId:VM service ID port To change load balance service BL559199959991 into 81 port and change rip.

40 40 The change in load balance (2/3) It is successfully accepted.

41 41 The change in load balance (3/3)

42 42 To cancel load balance service (1/2) Related order :deleteLoadBalancerPolicy Parameter: businessServiceId (Can be plural.) To cancel load balancer service BL550100050001.

43 43 To cancel load balance service (2/2) The cancellation of load balancer service is accepted.

44 44 To cancel VM (1/2) Related Order :terminateInstances Parameter : businessServiceId (Can be plural.) To cancel VM BL550100050001

45 45 To cancel VM (2/2) The cancellation of VM BL550100050001 is accepted.

46 46 LAB2 Operation of the orders To clone a VM. To apply for load balance. To test load balance. To inquire for load balance data. To change load balance. To cancel load balance. To cancel VM.

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