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Published byAvice Banks Modified over 9 years ago
Athrofa Cymru ar gyfer Dysgu Seiledig ar Waith Wales Institute for Work-based Learning Astudiaeth Achos Dwyieithog o Gymru A Bilingual Case Study from Wales Yr Athro/Professor Liz Wilson Pennaeth/Head Dr Elsie C Reynolds Uwch Ddarlithydd/Senior Lecturer
Mai / May 2009
Lawns ACDSaW Mai 2014 Launch of WIWBL May 2014
Y Fframwaith Arfer Proffesiynol The Professional Practice Framework Fframwaith ddwyieithog i achredu dysgu seiliedig ar waith ar lefel addysg uwch (lefelau 4 – 7) Gellir cronni dysgu i ennill cymhwyster mewn Arfer Proffesiynol neu fodylau unigol Estynnwyd i gynnwys Doethuriaeth Broffesiynol (DProf) Ymchwil cymhwysol ac ymgynghoriaeth Achredu rhaglenni mewnol i’r cyflogwyr Achredu dysgu blaenorol trwy brofiad ar gyfer gweithwyr (APEL) Bilingual framework for accrediting higher level work-based learning (levels 4-7) Can accumulate learning to gain a qualification in Professional Practice or stand alone modules Extended to include a Professional Doctorate (DProf) Applied research and consultancy Accreditation of in-house programmes for employers Accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL) for employees
Achredu Dysgu Blaenorol Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning Mae APEL yn ganolog i ehangu mynediad Gellir ennill hyd at ddwy ran o dair o gymhwyster drwy APEL Prosiect LATERAL – proses gyda sicrwydd ansawdd Pwysigrwydd Prosiect Dysgu Seiliedig ar Waith Ditectif Arolygydd Rhiannon Kirk, Heddlu Gwent APEL is central to widening access Up to two-thirds of a qualification can be gained through APEL LATERAL Project – quality assured process Importance of the Work- based Learning Project Detective Superintendent Rhiannon Kirk – Gwent Police
Cefnogi cefndiroedd amrywiol dysgwyr Supporting diverse learner backgrounds Modwl RAL yn generig Tystiolaeth o fewn y 5 mlynedd ddiwethaf Ystod eang o feysydd galwedigaethol a phroffesiynol Rhian Nelson – Therapydd Galwedigaethol yng Nghartrefi Gofal Fieldbay RAL module is generic Evidence within the last five years Wide range of vocational and professional areas Rhian Nelson - Occupational Therapist at Fieldbay Care Homes
Cydweithio gyda Murco ar APEL Collaboration with Murco on APEL APEL for Oil Refinery Process Operators APEL i Weithredwyr Prosesau Purfa Olew Gwobr Cymdeithas Dysgu Gydol Oes y Prifysgolion (UALL) 2011 Derbyn y wobr yng Ngholeg Clare, Caergrawnt University Association of Lifelong Learning Award (UALL) 2011. Accepting the prize at Clare College, Cambridge
‘Recognising learning at, through and for work makes new demands of higher education concepts, practices and structures. Work based learning requires educational practitioners to question not only their practice but also their underpinning epistemological beliefs.’ Dr Margaret House, Foreword to Garnett, J., Costley, C. and Workman, B. (Eds.) Work Based Learning in Higher Education, Middlesex University Press 2009
LATERAL Liberating Aptitudes by Technology Enhanced Recognition and Accreditation of Learning LATERAL Rhyddhau Gallu drwy Gydnabod ac Achredu Dysgu a Gyfoethogir gan Dechnoleg
Aims To develop, pilot and implement a bilingual technology enhanced learning environment to support the learner in achieving accreditation for experiential learning. To create implementation mechanisms which have a uniform application across sectors/individuals/spatial plan areas/CQFW levels Use ICT for employer engagement and virtual learning environments Nodau Datblygu, treialu a gweithredu amgylchedd dysgu dwyieithog a gyfoethogir gan dechnoleg i gefnogi’r dysgwr i gyflawni achrediad o ddysgu drwy brofiad. Creu mecanweithiau gweithredu a chanddynt ddefnydd unffurf ar draws sectorau/unigolion /ardaloedd cynllun gofodol/lefelau FfCChC Defnyddio TGCh i gysylltu’r cyflogwr ac ar gyfer amgylcheddau dysgu rhithwir
APEL THE ISSUES Quality Assurance Codes of Practice Relevance Learners’ Needs ADB Y MATERION Sicrwydd Ansawdd Côd Ymarfer Perthnasedd Anghenion dysgwyr
OUR PROVISION Initial Considerations Challenges for Learners ICT Ideology Theories Structure and Content EIN DARPARIAETH Ystyriaethau cychwynnol Heriadau i’r Dysgwyr GTCh Ideoleg Damcaniaethau Strwythur a Chynnwys
Introduction 1.Curriculum Vitae and Job Description 2.Reflection 3.Learning Styles 4.Understanding Levels, Credit and Areas of Learning 5.Building and Reviewing the Portfolio 6.Justifying the Evidence 7.The Reflective Essay Cyflwyniad 1.Curriculum Vitae a Disgrifiad Swydd 2.Adfyfyrio 3.Dulliau Dysgu 4.Deall Lefelau Credyd a Meysydd Dysgu 5.Adeiladu ac Adolygu’r Portffolio 6.Cyfiawnhau’r Dystiolaeth 7.Y Traethawd Adfyfyriol
Key words and concepts Activities - for personal development Essential activities Theories Information Bibliography Geiriau a chysniadau allweddol Gweithgareddau datblygiad personol Gweithgareddau hanfodol Damcaniaethau Gwybodaeth Llyfryddiaeth Key concepts Level 6 Cysyniadau allweddol Lefel 7
21 ASESIAD – Portffolio Bydd y portffolio’n cynnwys: CV anodedig yn disgrifio gweithgareddau’r dysgwr yn y gwaith; disgrifiad swydd anodedig; portffolio o brofiadau dysgu a ategir gan dystiolaeth. ASSESSMENT – Portfolio The portfolio will consist of: an annotated CV describing the learner’s work based activities; an annotated job description; a portfolio of learning experience supported by evidence.
22 Traethawd adfyfyriol Er enghraifft ar lefel 7 - 4000 o eiriau neu gyfwerth (100%) Traethawd adfyfyriol yn seiliedig ar y portffolio, yn dadansoddi, syntheseiddio ac yn gwerthuso eu profiadau dysgu’u hunain yn feirniadol, gan ddynodi strategaethau i gynyddu effaith y dysgu hwn ar eu harfer eu hunain ac arfer pobl eraill yn y gweithle. Reflective essay For example at level 7 - 4000 words or equivalent (100%) Reflective essay based upon the portfolio, analysing, synthesising and critically evaluating their own learning experiences, and identifying strategies for increasing the impact of this learning on their own practice and that of others in the workplace.
23 Traethawd adfyfyriol Er enghraifft ar lefel 5 - 3000 o eiriau neu gyfwerth (100%) Traethawd adfyfyriol yn seiliedig ar y portffolio, yn gwerthuso eu profiadau dysgu’u hunain, gan adnabod cyfleoedd i gynyddu effaith y dysgu hwn ar eu harfer eu hunain. Reflective essay For example at level 5 - 3000 words or equivalent (100%) Reflective essay based upon the portfolio, analysing and evaluating their own learning experiences, and identifying opportunities for increasing the impact of this learning on their own practice.
LESSONS LEARNT Induction Day Learners’ Expectations Clarity of Communication and terminology Action Planning ICT Successes GWERSI A DDYSGWYD Diwrnod Anwytho Disgwyliadau Dysgwyr Eglurder Cyfathrebu a therminoleg Cynlluniau Gweithredu GTCh Llwyddiannau
Gweithrediad yn PCYDDS Implementation at UWTSD Penderfyniad mynediad rhaglen yw Adnabod Dysgu a Dystysgrifwyd Bwrdd RPEL ar gyfer 40 credyd neu ddim mwy nag un rhan o dair o ddyfarniad llai Recognition of Prior Certificated Learning is programme admissions decision RPEL Board for 40 credits or no more than one third of a smaller award
Gwarentir safonau pob ADB arall drwy’r modwl AAD Rôl ACDSaW Arbenigwyr pwnc mewn Ysgolion eraill Mecanwaith prisio Triniaeth gyfartal yn angenrheidiol All other APEL is quality assured through RAL module Role of WIWBL Subject specialists in other Schools Costing/pricing mechanism Equal treatment is essential
Y Dyfodol i ADB The Future for RPL Gosod ar draws pob Ysgol, Cyfadran a’r partneriaid AB Cais i’r Bartneriaeth Ddysgu Ranbarthol am Ganolfan Rhagoriaeth ranbarthol Cyfranogi mewn trafodaethau ar ddatblygiadau traws- Cymru Embed across all Schools and Faculties and FE partners Bid to Regional Learning Partnership for regional Centre of Excellence Participate in discussions on Pan- Wales developments
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