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The Greens’ input on the Research and Innovation Pact Meeting with Commissionner Geoghegan-Quinn 18th of May 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The Greens’ input on the Research and Innovation Pact Meeting with Commissionner Geoghegan-Quinn 18th of May 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Greens’ input on the Research and Innovation Pact Meeting with Commissionner Geoghegan-Quinn 18th of May 2010

2 The Grand Societal Challenges –Fight against climate change : -30% GHG by 2020 and -80-95% by 2050 –Sustainable consumption, production and logistics pattern : 3% resource productivity enhancement per annum –Fostering natality and healthy ageing –Ensure social cohesion by halving poverty every 5 years and interregional disparities

3 1.Stimulate R&D and Innovation for sustainable development Social innovation Reconnect science and society (mistrust, cf. ESH concerns) Public procurement as a lever (100% green PP target by 2015 + 5 % innovative PP (US: 15% ; CH: 40%) ; ad hoc indicators Life-cycle approaches

4 2.Improve the effectiveness of current R&D&I initiatives Multidisciplinary approach (cf. ETPs, searchers of different fields…) Involve demand side Standardisation (see below) Lead Market Initiatives Focus on how to get the results implemented (and in a timely fashion)

5 3.Facilitate the valorisation and diffusion of R&D results Standardisation (+ EU as a global standard setter) & attention to the related skills ; best practices ; identifying the potential for standardisation as early as possible (without compromising R&D) IPR important BUT open access (not to disincentivise laggards to start R&D activities) ; « knowledge bank » ; fast-track for green patenting European Venture Capital market for R&D&I Towards a more (eco-)innovation-oriented CIP ; structural funds Replicate in the EU the US SBIR programme to help SMEs commercialising their innovation

6 4.Collaborate at a global level Technology transfer to poor countries and lagging (EU also) regions Replace the concept « Third Countries » by strategic partnerships taking into account the specificities of international partners Question the relevance of collaborations with countries in state of war (cf. Norway/Israel)

7 5.Improve the coherence, relevance and use of support tools Extend the Innovation Commissioners Group to M. Potocnik (Environment) and Ms Hedegaard (Climate) Cartography showing who is responsible for what (+ which tools); explain beforehand the desired outcomes and the costs of « non-ERA » (for the authorities, the research community and the private sector (especially SMEs)) A Knowledge for Growth Pact (along the SGP, with binding objectives) Don’t forget the role of social sciences and humanities (as individual/interdisciplinary disciplines) Avoid lock-in effect in overfunded ways of innovation detrimental to niches of emerging alternative pathways) Come back to the gender gap and make it a tie-breaker criterion when considering proposals of equal merit in future).


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