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Published byBethany Booth Modified over 9 years ago
qcd Matter created at the lhc Barbara Erazmus cnrs/IN2P3 France Crete center for theoretical physics May 28, 2013
Extreme states of matter QCD phase diagram Deconfinement Chiral symmetry restoration Universal character of wave functions of large nuclei Dense gluonic system Saturation Color glass condensate
HERA demonstrated that the gluon distribution
in a proton rises very fast with decreasing x at fixed Q RHIC LHC In this range saturation of the rapidly growing gluon distribution at saturation scale Qs
ALICE | DIS | 22 Avril 2013 | B. Erazmus
A Large Ion Collider Experiment
T0/VZERO Trigger/Centrality L3 Magnet EMCAL γ, π0, jets ACORDE Cosmic trigger TRD Electron ID (TR) HMPID PID high pT TOF PID PMD γ multiplicity FMD Charged multiplicity ITS Low pT tracking PID + Vertexing Dipole TPC Tracking, PID (dE/dx) MUON μ-pairs PHOS γ, π0, jets ALICE | SIPB | 21 March 2013 | B. Erazmus Not shown: ZDC (at ±114m)
ALICE – dedicated heavy-ion experiment at the LHC
ITS TPC TOF vertexing TRD HMPID particle identification (practically all known techniques) extremely low-mass tracker ~ 10% of X0 excellent vertexing capability efficient low-momentum tracking down to ~ 100 MeV/c
integrated luminosity
LHC Heavy-Ion running Two heavy-ion runs at the LHC so far: in 2010 – commissioning and the first data taking in 2011 – already above nominal instant luminosity! p–Pb run just finished at the beginning of this year Followed by Long Shutdown–1 (LS1) year system energy √sNN TeV integrated luminosity 2010 Pb – Pb 2.76 ~ 10 mb-1 2011 ~ 0.1 nb-1 2013 p – Pb 5.02 ~ 30 nb-1
State and dynamical evolution of the bulk matter characterized by soft particles (below a few GeV/c) multiplicity distributions (initial energy density) spectra, yields (hadronization process) flow (collective transport phenomena) correlations (space-time evolution)
ALICE PRL 105 (2010) ALICE PRL 106 (2011) ALICE | DIS | 22 Avril 2013 |
Initial Density and Temperature from Bjorken formula SEE CMS PRL 109 (2012)
(2.6 times RHIC) (+30% RHIC) Lattice QCD predictions : Tc MeV – 175 MeV The conditions of the formation of a quark gluon plasma are reached in the early stages of the collisions
Large radial flow in most central events:
IDENTIFIED PT SPECTRA Data/Model 1/N 1/(2πp ) d2N/(dp dy ) (GeV/c)-2 T ev 10-3 Krakow EPOS 10-1 10 103 106 105 0-5% Central collisions π+ + π- (× 100) K+ + K (× 10) p + p (× 1) - = 2.76 TeV NN ALICE, Pb-Pb s STAR, Au-Au s = 200 GeV PHENIX, Au-Au s = 200 GeV VISH2+1 HKM 1 1.5 π+ + π- K+ + K- p + p 2 3 4 5 • ALICE Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, (2012) + arXiv: Comparison with hydro models: radial flow and kinetic freeze-out temperature Tkin Large radial flow in most central events: <βT> = 0.65 ± 0.02 (~10% higher w.r.t. RHIC) increases with centrality Tkin = 95 ± 10 MeV (same as RHIC within errors) model comparisons: VISH2+1 (viscous hydro) HKM (hydro+UrQMD) Kraków (viscous corr., lower the effective Tch) EPOS (hydro+UrQMD) ALICE PRL 109 (2012) p (GeV/c) T
Large radial flow in top central events:
IDENTIFIED PT SPECTRA Comparison with hydro models: radial flow and kinetic freeze-out temperature Tkin • Data/Model 1/N 1/(2πp ) d2N/(dp dy ) (GeV/c)-2 T ev 10-4 10-2 HKM 1 102 105 104 20-30% Central collisions π+ + π- (× 100) K+ + K (× 10) - p + p (× 1) ALICE, Pb-Pb s = 2.76 TeV NN = 200 GeV STAR, Au-Au s PHENIX, Au-Au s = 200 GeV VISH2+1 Krakow EPOS 1.5 π+ + π- K+ + K- p + p 2 3 4 5 p (GeV/c) ALICE Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, (2012) + arXiv: Large radial flow in top central events: <βT> = 0.65 ± 0.02 (~10% higher w.r.t. RHIC) increases with centrality Tkin = 95 ± 10 MeV (same as RHIC within errors) model comparisons: VISH2+1 (viscous hydro) HKM (hydro+UrQMD) Kraków (viscous corr., lower the effective Tch) EPOS (hydro+UrQMD) ALICE arXiv:
Large radial flow in top central events:
IDENTIFIED PT SPECTRA -2 c 106 ) (GeV/ 105 ALICE, Pb-Pb NN = 2.76 TeV STAR, Au-Au s = 200 GeV s ) PHENIX, Au-Au s = 200 GeV NN d 10 y 3 NN T p /(d π+ + π- (× 100) N 10 2 d K+ + K - (× 10) ) VISH2+1 T p + p (× 1) p HKM π 1/( % Central collisions Krakow EPOS ev N 1/ 1.5 π+ + π- 1 Data/Model 1.5 K+ + K- 1.5 p + p 0 1 2 Data/Model 1/N 1/(2πp ) d2N/(dp dy ) (GeV/c)-2 p (GeV/c) 10-6 1.5 10-4 10-2 102 104 70-80% Central collisions π+ + π- (× 100) K+ + K - (× 10) p + p (× 1) ALICE, Pb-Pb s = 2.76 TeV PHENIX, Au-Au s = 200 GeV VISH2+1 HKM π+ + π- K+ + K- 3 4 5 p + p • ALICE Collaboration, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, (2012) + arXiv: Comparison with hydro models: radial flow and kinetic freeze-out temperature Tkin Large radial flow in top central events: <βT> = 0.65 ± 0.02 (~10% higher w.r.t. RHIC) increases with centrality Tkin = 95 ± 10 MeV (same as RHIC within errors) model comparisons: VISH2+1 (viscous hydro) HKM (hydro+UrQMD) Kraków (viscous corr., lower the effective Tch) EPOS (hydro+UrQMD) ➡ more peripheral events are more challenging for the models ALICE arXiv:
Matter at CHEMICAL freeze-out
well described by statistical models (from J. Cleymans et al, hep-ph/ )
Annihilation in baryon-antibaryon correlations
Deviation of proton yields from thermal models expectations annihilation should be taken into account while determining yields Steinheimer, Aichelin, Bleicher; arXiv: Werner et al.; Phys.Rev. C85 (2012) Karpenko, Sinyukov, Werner; arXiv: (...)switching BB-annihilation one suppresses baryon yields, in the same time increases pion yield, thus lowering p/π ratio to the value , which is quite close to the one measured by ALICE(...) → annihilation must be seen in baryon-antibaryon correlations
C (⃗q)=∫ S (⃗r )∣Ψ (⃗q , ⃗r )∣2 d 4 r
Baryon femtoscopy C (⃗q)=∫ S (⃗r )∣Ψ (⃗q , ⃗r )∣2 d 4 r measured correlation emission function (radius) cross-section increase of (anti)correlation = decrease of the radius or increase of the interaction cross-section expected shape of the signal (MC) Maciej Szymański Quark Matter 2012
pp correlation functions
Shape dominated by Coulomb and Strong FSI Significant annihilation (from strong FSI) expected and measured Quark Matter 2012
Spatial deformation Azimuthal (φ) pressure gradients Anisotropic particle density Z φ y2 y3 y4 y x Pressure Δpx > Δpy Y X
ALICE PLB 719 (2013)
Hydro model using Glauber initial conditions for different values of the viscosity Schenke, Jeon, Gale Phys.Lett. B7012 (2011) Further constraints on viscosity and initial conditions provided by measurements of higher harmonics very sensitive to properties of the medium ALICE PRL 107
Created at early stages of the collisions
HARD PROBES at high mass and high pT heavy quarks, quarkonia, photons, jets… Created at early stages of the collisions Production and propagation in medium provides information about parton energy loss
‘anomalous’ suppression LHC suppression / regeneration ALICE PRL 109 (2013)
J/y elliptic flow arXiv: 1303.5880
J/y produced by recombination of thermalized c-quarks should have non-zero elliptic flow – measurements give a hint for non-zero v2 – qualitative agreement with transport models, including regeneration – complementary to indications obtained from J/y RAA studies
D mesons RAA Average D-meson RAA:
– pT < 8 GeV/c hint of slightly less suppression than for light hadrons – pT > 8 GeV/c both (all) very similar no indication of colour charge dependence ALICE | DIS | 22 Avril 2013 | B. Erazmus
D MESONS v2 Non-zero D meson v2 observed
Comparable to that of light hadrons Simultaneous description of RAA and v2 c-quark transport coefficient in medium ALICE | DIS | 22 Avril 2013 | B. Erazmus
Ds MESONS RAA Strong suppression (~ 4–5 ) at pT above 8 GeV/c
Uncertainty will improve with future pp and Pb–Pb data taking
Reference for Pb-Pb collisions ? Cold nuclear matter ?
REFERENCE COLLISIONS p - Pb Reference for Pb-Pb collisions ? Cold nuclear matter ? Unexpected collective effects ?
Cold nuclear matter effects vs. jet quenching in Pb-Pb…
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, (2013) Compatible with unity above 2-3 GeV/c Jet quenching in Pb-Pb collisions is a final state effect <=> QGP opaque to energetic partons 3030
The Ridge 2 < pT,trig < 4 GeV/c 1 < pT,assoc < 2 GeV/c 20% highest multiplicity (zoomed) Near-side jet (Dj ~ 0, Dh ~ 0) 1/Ntrig d2Nassoc/dDhdDj Away-side jet (Dj ~ p, elongated in Dh) Near-side ridge (Dj ~ 0, elongated in Dh) Dh Dj (rad) The near-side long-range ridge observed by CMS in pp and p-Pb seen by ALICE in p-Pb [JHEP 09 (2010) 091, PLB718 (2013) 795]
viscous hydro (arXiv:1112.0915)
Interpretation Flow? viscous hydro (arXiv: ) Saturation? Color glass condensate (arXiv: ) Band: Calculation Points: ALICE data arXiv: Ridge Yields per Dh arXiv: 0-20% % %
CONCLUSIONS Hot and dense matter created at the LHC behaves as a liquid with low viscosity well described by hydrodynamical approaches New precise hard probes allow to study the QGP Recent measurements of proton-lead collisions reveal surprising (collective ?) behaviour
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