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International Transport Workers’ Federation - ITF Who We Are: The Work Presentation for Young Transport Workers Summer School WWW Placid Harbor,

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Presentation on theme: "International Transport Workers’ Federation - ITF Who We Are: The Work Presentation for Young Transport Workers Summer School WWW Placid Harbor,"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Transport Workers’ Federation - ITF Who We Are: The ITF @ Work Presentation for Young Transport Workers Summer School WWW Placid Harbor, July 2015

2 ITF Statistics  all transport modes  > 700 unions  ~ 160 countries  ~ 10 M workers  > 100 years old  1/10 global unions International Transport Workers Federation

3 How the ITF operates Departments Executive Board Regional OfficesIndustrial Sections Congress

4 ITF Civil Aviation Rail Tourism Services Seafarers Inland Navigation FisheriesDockersRoad The ITF’s industrial sections

5 The ITF’s global reach Rio de Janeiro (LA) Delhi (AP) Tokyo (AP) Amman (AR) Sydney Ouagadogou (AF) Brussels (EU) Nairobi (AF) London (HQ)

6 Challenges for transport workers  Privatisation  Liberalisation  Competition  Working conditions deteriorate  Jobs become precarious  Unions get weakened  Not only national but regional and global  Some workers more vulnerable than others

7 The ITF responds  Solidarity  Representation  Campaigning  Organising  Networking  Education  HIV/Aids work

8 Strong unions need women  The ITF supports increasing women’s participation  “Women Transporting the World”  “Anti-Sexism” in Aviation Section  Fight violence against women

9 Strong unions need youth  Congress 2006 initiated youth work  Congress 2010 changed constitution  Congress 2014 biggest ever  Lead: young transport workers committee  Sectoral reps  Regional reps  General reps  Co-chairs on Executive

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