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Flux Capacitor (Schematic)

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1 Flux Capacitor (Schematic)
Physics 2102 Jonathan Dowling Flux Capacitor (Schematic) Physics Lecture 3 Gauss’ Law I Michael Faraday Version: 1/22/07

2 What are we going to learn? A road map
Electric charge  Electric force on other electric charges  Electric field, and electric potential Moving electric charges : current Electronic circuit components: batteries, resistors, capacitors Electric currents  Magnetic field  Magnetic force on moving charges Time-varying magnetic field  Electric Field More circuit components: inductors. Electromagnetic waves  light waves Geometrical Optics (light rays). Physical optics (light waves)

3 What? — The Flux! STRONG E-Field Angle Matters Too Weak E-Field  dA
Number of E-Lines Through Differential Area “dA” is a Measure of Strength dA

4 Electric Flux: Planar Surface
Given: planar surface, area A uniform field E E makes angle q with NORMAL to plane Electric Flux: F = E•A = E A cosq Units: Nm2/C Visualize: “Flow of Wind” Through “Window” q E AREA = A=An normal

5 Electric Flux: General Surface
For any general surface: break up into infinitesimal planar patches Electric Flux F = EdA Surface integral dA is a vector normal to each patch and has a magnitude = |dA|=dA CLOSED surfaces: define the vector dA as pointing OUTWARDS Inward E gives negative flux F Outward E gives positive flux F E dA dA E Area = dA

6 Electric Flux: Example
(pR2)E–(pR2)E=0 What goes in — MUST come out! dA E Closed cylinder of length L, radius R Uniform E parallel to cylinder axis What is the total electric flux through surface of cylinder? (a) (2pRL)E (b) 2(pR2)E (c) Zero L R Hint! Surface area of sides of cylinder: 2pRL Surface area of top and bottom caps (each): pR2

7 Electric Flux: Example
1 dA Note that E is NORMAL to both bottom and top cap E is PARALLEL to curved surface everywhere So: F = F1+ F2 + F = pR2E pR2E = 0! Physical interpretation: total “inflow” = total “outflow”! 2 dA 3 dA

8 Electric Flux: Example
Spherical surface of radius R=1m; E is RADIALLY INWARDS and has EQUAL magnitude of 10 N/C everywhere on surface What is the flux through the spherical surface? (4/3)pR2 E = p Nm2/C (b) 2pR2 E = -20p Nm2/C (c) 4pR2 E= -40p Nm2/C What could produce such a field? What is the flux if the sphere is not centered on the charge?

9 Electric Flux: Example
q r (Inward!) (Outward!) Since r is Constant on the Sphere — Remove E Outside the Integral! Surface Area Sphere Gauss’ Law: Special Case!

10 Gauss’ Law: General Case
Consider any ARBITRARY CLOSED surface S -- NOTE: this does NOT have to be a “real” physical object! The TOTAL ELECTRIC FLUX through S is proportional to the TOTAL CHARGE ENCLOSED! The results of a complicated integral is a very simple formula: it avoids long calculations! (One of Maxwell’s 4 equations!)

11 Examples

12 Gauss’ Law: Example Spherical symmetry
Consider a POINT charge q & pretend that you don’t know Coulomb’s Law Use Gauss’ Law to compute the electric field at a distance r from the charge Use symmetry: draw a spherical surface of radius R centered around the charge q E has same magnitude anywhere on surface E normal to surface r q E

13 Gauss’ Law: Example Cylindrical symmetry
Charge of 10 C is uniformly spread over a line of length L = 1 m. Use Gauss’ Law to compute magnitude of E at a perpendicular distance of 1 mm from the center of the line. R = 1 mm E = ? 1 m Approximate as infinitely long line -- E radiates outwards. Choose cylindrical surface of radius R, length L co-axial with line of charge.

14 Gauss’ Law: cylindrical symmetry (cont)
R = 1 mm E = ? 1 m Approximate as infinitely long line -- E radiates outwards. Choose cylindrical surface of radius R, length L co-axial with line of charge.

15 Compare with Example! if the line is infinitely long (L >> a)…

16 Summary Electric flux: a surface integral (vector calculus!); useful visualization: electric flux lines caught by the net on the surface. Gauss’ law provides a very direct way to compute the electric flux.

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