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Identify the type of rock associated with the following features and processes.

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Presentation on theme: "Identify the type of rock associated with the following features and processes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identify the type of rock associated with the following features and processes

2 Heat and Pressure Metamorphic

3 Cooling lava/magma Igneous

4 Compaction and Cementation Sedimentary

5 Intrusive/Extrusive Igneous

6 Foliated (Foliations) Metamorphic Foliations = bands of minerals

7 Sedimentation Sedimentary

8 Clastic/Non-Clastic Sedimentary

9 Cools quickly or slowly Igneous

10 Made from continental collisions Metamorphic

11 Stratification Sedimentary Stratification = layers of sediment

12 Fossils Sedimentary

13 Intrusions Igneous

14 Chemical or Organic Sedimentary Chemical = Salt Organic = Coal

15 Volcanic Eruptions Igneous

16 Recrystallization Metamorphic

17 Deposition Sedimentary

18 Metamorphic

19 Igneous


21 Sedimentary

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