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Lithification/ Diagenesis
From pile of sand to solid rock Loose sediment, like that shown in (A) may someday become a rock like the one in (B) if compacted and cement fills the spaces between clasts
Diagenesis: How Sediment Becomes Rock
Diagenesis: collective term for all the chemical, physical, and biological changes that affect sediment as it goes from deposition through lithification Sand or other sediment, grains separate After compaction, grains crushed together and interlocked A term often applied to sedimentary rocks is Diagenesis, which is the collective term for all the chemical, physical, and biological changes that affect sediment as it goes from deposition through lithification. And I will talk about each of these changes more. After cementation, mineral crystals cemented grains together
Diagenesis: Processes Involved
1. Compaction - packing together of sediment grains When sediment has been deposited we start with a pile of fragments that enclose a great deal of pore space As sediment continues to accumulate the sediment undergoes compaction: the geometric arrangement of grains changes so that pore space is reduced Diagenesis/Lithification is the conversion of sediment into rock, and as I said this processes results from a number of processes: Compaction involves packing together of sediment grains through burial, leading to a reduction in sediment volume by up to 40%. Reduction of volume generally results from the pressure or weight of overlying sediments. In principle, compacted sediment can sit there forever without becoming a rock - normally this doesn't happen
Diagenesis: Processes Involved
2. Desiccation – loss of water from sediment pore spaces 2. Desiccation involves the loss of water from sediment pore spaces, typically resulting from compaction but also from evaporation in air. Desiccation cracks
ie. Desiccation and Compaction of Shale
Diagenesis: Processes Involved
3. Cementation – ions precipitate out in the pore spaces to form a cement that binds clasts together 3. Cementation As groundwater moves through the pore space, it brings with it ions in solution. Often, these ions precipitate out in the pore space to form a cement that binds the clasts together. This cement provides mechanical cohesiveness and gives us our rock. - Model sandstone formation begins with sedimentation (left), as grains of different sizes settle under the action of gravity - Adding the pressure of overburden causes compaction (center) - Cementation (right) is one of the final processes that turns sediment into rock
ie. Compaction and Cementation of Sand
Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
Breccia Conglomerate The four basic classes of clastic sedimentary rocks are: - Breccia/Conglomerate, a lithified gravel. - Sandstone, consisting mainly of sand grains. - Siltstone, composed mainly of silt-size mineral fragments, commonly quartz and feldspar. - Mudstone, still-finer grain size. Shale Sandstone
Breccia Angular fragments Breccia
Coarse-grained sedimentary rock. Cemented angular gravel in a matrix of fine-grained material.
Conglomerate Conglomerate
Coarse-grained sedimentary rock. Cemented rounded gravel in a matrix of fine-grained material. Uses: conglomerate is used in the construction industry Rounded particles & dissimilar lithologies
Quartz Sandstone - > 90% qtz
Sandstone – there are different types of sandstone. They are all a medium-grained sedimentary rock with cemented sand-sized material. One example is quartz sandstone that has greater than 90% quartz grains. It is almost pure quartz. Uses: Sandstone is used for flagstone to line your walkway or patio. It is also an important building stone. Quartz Sandstone - > 90% qtz
Mudstone Shale – fissile (layered)
Mudstone: Fine-grained sedimentary rock. Cemented clay- (2/3) and silt- (1/3) sized material. Mudrocks comprise about 40% of all detrital sedimentary rocks, and are deposited in low-energy environments. They are subdivided into: Mudstones, which may be blocky or massive in appearance, are composed of a mixture of silt- and clay-sized particles (< mm) of including clay, quartz, feldspar, calcite, and dolomite. Claystones are massive and composed mostly of clay (smooth), or Shales, the most abundant detrital rock, they are similar to a mudstones or claystones except that the rock breaks into layers parallel to the bedding (fissile). Claystone – not fissile (not layered)
Non-Clastic Sedimentary Rock
Organic sediments Sediment precipitates from solution in water originating from chemical and organic processes These chemical precipitants settle to the bottom of a body of water. When first deposited, these sediments are loose and non-structured. In time, they are slowly hardened by compaction, cementation, and re-crystallization
Non-Clastic Sedimentary Rock
Classified based on composition: Siliceous Rocks Carbonates Evaporites
Non-Clastic Sediments: Siliceous rocks
Siliceous rocks - The siliceous rocks are those which are dominated by silica (SiO2) Siliceous rocks - The siliceous rocks are those which are dominated by silica (SiO2), therefore, very fine grained. They commonly form from silica-secreting organisms such as diatoms, radiolarians, or some types of sponges. A couple of examples include diatomite - looks like chalk, but does not fizz in acid. Made of microscopic planktonic organisms called diatoms. May also resemble kaolinite, but is much lower in density and more porous. Another example is chert, which is usually massive and hard, microcrystalline quartz. Varies in color. Does not fizz in acid. Chert - Palaeoindian projectile points Chert from Washademoak Lake, NB
Non-Clastic Sediments: Carbonates
Carbonates - The carbonate sedimentary rocks are formed through both chemical and biochemical processes Example: Limestone Carbonates - The carbonate sedimentary rocks are formed through both chemical and biochemical processes. They include the limestones (many types) and dolostones. Some carbonate rock names: Micrite (microcrystalline limestone) - very fine-grained; may be light gray or tan to nearly black in colour. Made of lime mud. Oolitic limestone (look for the sand-sized oolites). Fossiliferous limestone (look for various types of fossils in a limestone matrix). Coquina (fossil hash cemented together; may resemble granola), and Chalk (made of microscopic planktonic organisms; fizzes readily in acid). Chalk cliffs - Dover, England
Non-Clastic Sediments: Evaporites
Evaporites form from the evaporation of water (usually sea water or lake water) Example: Rock salt (halite) Evaporites - The evaporites form from the evaporation of water (usually seawater). The most important salts that precipitate from seawater are halite (rock salt) and gypsum. Much of the common table salt we use daily and the gypsum used for plaster and construction materials are recovered from marine evaporate deposits. Rock salt forms as a result of changing physical conditions (increasing temperature), where minerals dissolved in seawater are precipitated when the water evaporates Bonneville Salt Flats of the Great Salt Lake, Utah.
Non-Clastic Sedimentary Rocks
Oolitic Limestone Fossiliferous Limestone There are a number of basic non-clastic (chemical) sedimentary rocks. Dolostone Chalk
Non-Clastic Sedimentary Rocks Fossil Fuels Deposits
Found in areas of sedimentary rock formation Basically, plant and animal remains were deposited in swamp and mud areas. Result: Poor oxygen quality, hence they did not decay. Overtime, they accumulated and then sands, silts and clay buried them As lithification of the sediments took place, the organic remains beneath turned to valuable fossil fuels
Fossil Fuel Deposits: Example
Coal – made of organic matter which is the end product of large amounts of plant material buried for millions of years Coal: is made of organic matter which is the end product of large amounts of plant material, buried for millions of years. Close examination of coal reveals plant structures such as leaves, bark, and wood that have been chemically altered but are sometimes still identifiable. Coal is a major energy resource. Its role as a fuel and some of the problems associated with burning coal are still under study. Coal bed, Trinidad
Fossil Fuel Deposits: Example
Natural Gas and Oil Deposits Drops of oil were scattered throughout source rocks As source rock was squeezed, this oil becomes trapped in reservoirs / traps These reservoirs make this an economic goldmine Common characteristics for reservoir / trap Source rock can be squeezed Reservoir rock is porous and permeable Cap rock is impermeable Groundwater pushes the lighter gas and oil to the top When a trap is tapped, an extreme amount of pressure is released Think oil well
Fossil Fuel Deposits: Common Trap Types
Structural traps hold oil and gas because the earth has been bent and deformed in some way. The trap may be a simple dome (or big bump), just a "crease" in the rocks, or it may be a more complex. Types: Anticline trap, Fault trap, Salt dome Stratigraphic traps are depositional in nature. This means they are formed in place, usually by a sandstone ending up enclosed in shale. The shale keeps the oil and gas from escaping the trap. Types: Stratigraphic (pinch out) trap
Types of Traps
Sedimentary Rock: Non- Metallic Industrial Mineral Deposits
Products of deposition, minerals in these rocks are non-metallic Example: Thick salt beds are the result of the movement of ocean water into basins. As the water evaporates due to desert-like conditions, the salt is left behind These are Evaporites
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